Bionews Staff,  writers and editors—

Bionews, the owner and publisher of this site, employs science writers and editors, most of whom have PhDs in the life sciences, as well as veteran journalists, who ensure stories are well-written and easy to understand. Our stories undergo a comprehensive fact-checking and editing process to confirm accuracy, objectiveness, and thoroughness in order to best serve our audience of patients and caregivers.

Articles by Bionews Staff

30 Days of PH: My Experience With Worsening Symptoms

Prabu Prabakaran had to cut short a trip overseas due to worsening PH symptoms. (Photo courtesy of Prabu Prabakaran) Day 14 of 30 This is Sakthivel “Prabu” Prabakaran’s story: Hello, I am Prabu, and for 30 years, I’ve lived in Madison, Wisconsin, with my wife and two older kids.

30 Days of PH: Focusing on the Joy Our Family Has ‘PHound’

Clockwise from left, Brinley, Wes, Jessica, and Augustus, the dog. (Photo courtesy of Jessica Cullum) Day 13 of 30 This is Jessica Cullum’s story: “Brinley has severe pulmonary arterial hypertension.” Those are words, Brinley’s dad and I will never forget. We cried and cried, and talked about how…

30 Days of PH: My Daughter Lives Life on Her Own Terms

From left: Tamara, Cheyanne, and Trent Lennard. (Photo courtesy of Tamara Lennard) Day 10 of 30 This is Tamara Lennard’s story: Our daughter, Cheyanne, was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension (specifically Eisenmenger syndrome) at the age of 2. She had an unrepaired ventricular septal defect (VSD) that was…

30 Days of PH: In Remembrance of a Dear PHriend

In loving memory of Moma Hen. (Photo courtesy of Jen Cueva) Day 8 of 30 This is Jen Cueva’s story: When you’re connected to the pulmonary hypertension (PH) community, the loss of PHriends and PHamily is inevitable. Since I was diagnosed almost 18 years ago, I’ve experienced…

30 Days of PH: My Long and Terrifying Journey to Diagnosis

For Lindsay Moretz, it was a long struggle to finally reach an accurate diagnosis. (Photo courtesy of Lindsay Moretz) Day 7 of 30 This is Lindsay Moretz’s story: I could write a book about the period of my life from my pulmonary hypertension (PH) diagnosis to where I’m…

30 Days of PH: Reflections From a Long-term PH Survivor

Marcie McGregor and her grandbaby, Kinsley Clark. (Photo courtesy of Marcie McGregor) Day 6 of 30 This is Marcie McGregor’s story: Nov. 8 will mark 10 years since I was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension. I initially thought my life was over and never…