Marisa Wexler, MS,  senior science writer—

Marisa holds a Master of Science in cellular and molecular pathology from the University of Pittsburgh, where she studied novel genetic drivers of ovarian cancer. Her areas of expertise include cancer biology, immunology, and genetics, and she has worked as a science writing and communications intern for the Genetics Society of America.

Articles by Marisa Wexler

Reata Stops Bardoxolone PAH Trials Amid COVID-19 Concerns

Reata Pharmaceuticals is stopping clinical trials evaluating bardoxolone methyl in people with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), including a Phase 3 study, to ensure the safety of participants during the COVID-19 pandemic, the company announced. Trials in other disorders are set to continue, although some will stop…

Orenitram Tablets More Cost-effective Than Uptravi as PAH Treatment, Study Suggests

Treatment with Orenitram (oral treprostinil) is associated with lower healthcare-related costs than treatment with Uptravi (selexipag) in people with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a new study suggests. The study, “Medication Adherence and Healthcare Costs Among Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Treated with Oral Prostacyclins: A Retrospective…

Case Report Suggests Lack of Vitamin C as PAH Cause

Vitamin C deficiency can cause pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a new case report suggests, highlighting the need to test vitamin C levels in people with PAH. The report, “Vitamin C Deficiency-Induced Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension,” was published in the journal CHEST. The study details the case of…