
From PH Mom to Registered Nurse: A Story of Love and Determination

Nurses are remarkable people. My respect for them has grown significantly throughout my son’s pulmonary hypertension (PH) and transplant journey. Their job requires important skills, intelligence, patience, persuasiveness, compassion, energy, emotional control, a strong stomach — the list is endless. And I can’t think of a more suitable person to…

I’m Celebrating 22 Years of Survival and Counting

On May 21, I celebrated 22 years of survival. On that day many years ago, I underwent a heart catheterization. Halfway through, doctors came out to inform my parents that the only diagnosis option was pulmonary hypertension (PH). My parents had previously been told that this was the worst-case…

Finding Time for Dates With Your Partner

As humans, forming quality relationships is essential to our well-being. If you are like me, the pandemic has tossed a wrench in our relationships, including the romantic ones. Do you remember your last date? If not, don’t worry. Most of us have been stagnant in our…

Treating PH Like the Bully It Is

Since my son Cullen’s diagnosis in 2008, I have imagined pulmonary hypertension (PH) as a toxic person rather than a disease. Like the Grim Reaper, PH is an intimidating figure that wears a hood covering its face with looming darkness. The image never reacts or responds, but provides…

Pets and PH: Furry Friends Are PHamily, Too

It doesn’t take long after a pulmonary hypertension (PH) diagnosis to realize the disease will have an influence on the patient, family members, and yes, even the pets. Our furry friends who snuggle with us when we are tired, comfort us when we are feeling down, and appear concerned or…

Why I Pay Tribute to Nurses

Having grown up with a complex diagnosis that includes pulmonary hypertension, I was always interested in the field of healthcare. I still remember being 10 years old and telling people I wanted to be a pediatric anesthesiologist when I grew up. This was because of the anesthesiologists who had been…