
These Life Hacks Help Me While Living with PH

We don’t always have a choice about what life throws our way. But our response to challenges is something we can control. Living with pulmonary hypertension (PH), I don’t always have control over my body. With that lack of control comes frustration. However, I’ve found some coping strategies that improve…

Remembering that It’s OK to Not Be OK

Since my pulmonary hypertension (PH) diagnosis, others have told me repeatedly how strong I am. But on some days, I don’t feel as strong as they think I am. Even the strong grow weak and weary. But that doesn’t mean I’m not strong as I battle my PH. I have…

Waiting Room Warriors Battle Worry and Fear

It is said that good things come to those who wait. But when you are waiting for a loved one to get out of surgery, patience has nothing to do with the outcome. Neither does worrying. Fear is difficult to subdue under these circumstances. The longer the wait, the more…

An Open Letter to My Family

Life is tough. Living with pulmonary hypertension (PH) and other illnesses impacts not only my life but my family’s lives, too. I have touched on this topic briefly in previous columns, but I don’t think I have shared just how much PH impacts us as a family. No matter…

Carrying Hope from One Decade to the Next

Over the past decade, my son and our family have been through an intense journey from pulmonary hypertension (PH) to transplant. Most of the big, scary, sad, joyful, and incredible moments were squeezed into the past 10 years. Cullen was two years into his diagnosis when the world ushered in…

Dealing with Post-holiday Fatigue and Sleep Issues

If you are like me, trying to balance life with pulmonary hypertension (PH) and coexisting illnesses is a full-time job. Add in the busy holiday season, and despite careful planning, I am left with a general feeling of malaise and lethargy. Though I don’t host any holiday celebrations at…