
Surviving the Holidays

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season can be stressful for anyone. When living with pulmonary hypertension (PH) or another chronic illness, the holidays can be overwhelming and exhausting. This year was the first time I did not cook a Thanksgiving meal. We went out to eat and then…

Using Public Transport with an Invisible Illness

If you have a health condition, using public transport can be tricky. Personally, standing for long periods of time can be tiring. My legs ache, and as a result, I often need to sit during my commute. Unfortunately, for many people, commuting to work via public transport is a necessary…

Allow Yourself to Feel Peace, Not Panic This Christmas

When I was a child, I wrote in a journal that my favorite part about Christmas was the feeling it created. It’s not just the joy of holiday lights and carols, the peace and awe of midnight Mass, the anticipation and excitement of presents, or the contentment that lingers throughout…

How Was Your November?

We just celebrated Thanksgiving, y’all. Where has the time gone? November was quite busy for me. I wrote in my last column about unexpected health issues with my hubby. Thankfully, he is recovering well and returning back to his usual self. November was also Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month.

I Am Choosing a Better Quality of Life

Last weekend, I woke up with a stabbing pain coming from the site of my jejunal feeding tube. My tube has caused pain and countless infections over the past three months. I’ve been told to “give it time.” I have cried and…

The Healing Power of Laughter

  It is said that laughter is the best medicine. My son’s battle with pulmonary hypertension (PH) and post-transplant struggles made me a believer. However, the humor behind the laughter has often been gross, silly, a bit dark, and sometimes a little off-color. I remember the first time Cullen fell…

Sharing Hope and Expressing Gratitude for Our PHamily

As Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month draws to a close, the complexities of this disease have been exemplified by the sharing of personal battles. Our community has cried out in memory of those who have died to raise awareness of pulmonary hypertension (PH) as a life-threatening condition. We have explained…

Giving Thanks Despite a Curveball

Thanksgiving is almost here, y’all. Scroll through any social media channel and you’ll see people sharing their thoughts on gratitude. Daily reflection on the things I am grateful for is important to me. I keep a gratitude journal on my nightstand. While writing this column, an…

Living Life Focused on Quality, Not Quantity

Parents sometimes view birthdays, milestones, and even achievements as bittersweet. Witnessing a child mature and grow brings joy, but sentimentality tends to mix with the happiness. Many a parent has wished life would slow down so that they could enjoy the childhood of their offspring just a little longer. I…

While Difficult to Share, Here Is My PH Story

November is Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month, a good time to share a little more about my journey with y’all. My hope is that you will tell your stories and generate awareness about pulmonary hypertension (PH) within your communities. I was diagnosed in 2005. Because of my nursing background,…

My Recent Surgery Triggered My PTSD

Last week, I scrolled through Pinterest on my phone as I was wheeled into the endoscopy suite for a J-tube placement. I was doing everything I could to distract myself. I have worked hard in therapy to come up with coping mechanisms and have learned to keep my mind…