
In Defense of Transplant: Part I

First in a series.  Lung transplantation has an image problem. People often refer to transplant as the “last resort” or a “backup plan,” terms that connote failure. I’m no public relations guru, but I’m pretty well-versed in the success that’s possible with a…

I Was Rejected From a PH Stem Cell Trial

I recently had a checkup with my PH specialist. At my previous appointment, he had told me that he would soon be recruiting PH patients to take part in a study involving the use of stem cells. He expressed excitement over what a good candidate I…

So, How Are Your 30s Going?

The older I get, the more I relate on a spiritual level to Mike the Situation from “Jersey Shore” trying to force his head through a concrete wall in Italy. A few weeks before my 30th birthday, my PH specialist gave me the green light.

Raising Awareness: What Does a PHighter Look Like?

“Do you wear glasses?” The question took me completely off guard. I was standing in line at my local breakfast spot and staring the cashier in the face, wondering if I did, in fact, have glasses on. The cashier pointed at two lines under my eyes that one…