Celebrating 2 Years of This Column and Working From Home

Jen Cueva avatar

by Jen Cueva |

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Let’s celebrate! Come on, y’all, join me.

Now, are you curious what we’re celebrating?

This week, I celebrate two years of writing my column, “Worth the PHight.” I’ve mentioned before that I started this column to offer hope to the pulmonary hypertension (PH) community. This is still true. And while I hope my column has served the community, know that I could never do this without your support. Writing has proven cathartic and added purpose to my life again.

It can be difficult for people with physical and mental disabilities to find employment, much less job gratification. According to a report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 17.9% of people with disabilities were employed last year.

So, I consider myself fortunate to be employed by Bionews, which publishes Pulmonary Hypertension News. The majority of people who work here have some form of disability, though we’re treated like the intelligent and deserving individuals we are.

We are more like a family here at Bionews. Working for a company that cares for its staff’s well-being is humbling. I wake up each morning smiling.

Whether I am working with my PH News Forums co-moderators, my columns lead, or my managers, I feel grateful. I can’t forget my editors, who work passionately behind the scenes, adding the last bit of shine to my columns.

The connections I’ve created in such a short time have been phenomenal. The past year and a half has been extremely challenging for most of us. Though we’re all isolated, my colleagues-turned-friends have been virtually by my side. Together, we’ve proven that we are strong and can weather any storm — including a pandemic.

My second anniversary with Bionews lands near National Work From Home Day, which is observed on June 24 this year. The holiday was started before the pandemic, before working from home and doing Zoom calls were cool. Yet, I had never heard of it.

For me and many others with illnesses like PH, working from home is more than a business perk — a remote position allows us to work when we otherwise couldn’t. This means I have even more to celebrate.

As I ponder the multiple benefits that working from home offers, I realize the list is endless.

Work when I feel my best

Some of those benefits include my improved mental and physical health. Performing tasks when I feel physically capable is a plus. Working when I feel my best is important for both my employer and me.

Make magic happen in my pajamas

Anyone who knows me well knows that pajamas are my jam. I accomplish tasks while wearing pajamas — from my bed, couch, or desk, it doesn’t matter.

There’s no need to use my extra spoons to take a shower, get dressed, and drive to a workplace. Can you imagine how exhausted I would be after all of that? If you have PH, you know. Some days, it’s not happening.

Rest when needed

My co-workers and managers respect when I need to rest, and they have often reminded me of this necessity. You don’t see or hear about these personal touches from most companies. Taking breaks and naps is acceptable. Yes, naps.

Minimize stress and missed appointments

Working from home enables me to attend numerous medical appointments each month. Fitting these vital visits in between my work duties is another advantage. When I work from home and choose my hours, I’m less stressed.

Although I only work a few hours throughout the week, I am fortunate. Not everyone can take something negative and overwhelming like PH and build something positive from it.

Working at Bionews allows me space to amplify the patient voice as I advocate for myself and the PH community. Having platforms available to do what I love and am passionate about is a win-win any day.

Do you work from home? Please share any advantages or benefits in the comments below.


Note: Pulmonary Hypertension News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Pulmonary Hypertension News or its parent company, Bionews, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to pulmonary hypertension.


Jo Ann White avatar

Jo Ann White

I have been working at home for more than 30 years (as a writer and encyclopedia editor), and had slowly reduced my workload as I aged. As a “night person,” I always loved being able to set my own hours and not have to commute or dress up for work. But I never appreciated it more than after I was diagnosed with pah two years ago. I edited a magazine on my iPhone from my hospital bed and have since made a lot of adjustments, but work keeps my mind occupied and kept me in touch with what was going on in the world even when I had to stay isolated for more than a year during the covid pandemic.

Germaine Norwood avatar

Germaine Norwood

Hello! First a BIG thank you for all you do ! I am relatively new to all of this but need guidance. I have PAH. My Cardiologist wants me to carry portable oxygen on long distance flights. I don’t need oxygen otherwise. My MD will write a prescription but I don’t know where to acquire it. Can you rent a portable oxygen machine rather than buy one. Thanks for your help.


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