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  • Share A Positive Encounter That Made Your Day/Night

    Posted by Brittany Foster on November 1, 2018 at 12:27 pm

    This past weekend was a rough one for me. It was as if I was getting hit by the negativity bus. I desperately needed to pull myself out of the funk I was in and it happened in an unexpected way.

    Last night, I chose to go out with my nephews and younger cousins and even had some fun dressing up my oxygen tank with a red cape to match my Wonder Woman costume ! If you follow my instagram “ohtheplaceso2willgo” you will see some pictures ! One girl we were Trick or Treating with came up to me and said “I really like how you dressed up your oxygen. And I like that you’re Wonder Woman, just like you!”

    These words changed my whole week around and made me realize the power of kindness and the fact that even children can see our strength. She didn’t question my use of oxygen or ask why I had it on. She didn’t think it was weird or ugly or the things that I say to myself when I’m feeling down. She thought I was an every day “Wonder Woman” and I actually felt like it after this comment.

    Share some positive experiences that you have had either with someone you know, a child, a stranger etc and how it helped to change your day around or make your day better. Spread some positivity in this thread!

    Brittany Foster replied 5 years, 6 months ago 6 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Jody Hoffman

    November 2, 2018 at 11:03 pm

    I have lived a rather interesting life I admit that I was a drug addict and an outlaw for many years. I cleaned up in 1993 and I was released from jail the same year. Since then I have always been asked the same question. “what are you always smiling about?” I have a terminal lung disease and pulmonary hypertension and I still smile every 3day. I tell them the same thing “any day I wake up and I am breathing and not behind bars is a good day” I have felt like that more and more, I may have to be on my oxygen more lately but it could always be worse

    • Brittany Foster

      November 5, 2018 at 6:26 am

      I’m so glad that you were able to come out of that stronger. It seems like you have a great, positive attitude. Having people come up to you and ask you what you’re smiling about will certainly remind you that you DO have a lot to be thankful for even though some days, for some, it may not feel that way! Thank you for sharing this with us 🙂

  • Vanessa Vaile

    November 4, 2018 at 5:50 pm

    Brittany, everybody I described your costume to thought it was so cool. Then a few days ago collecting images for PH Awareness month, I came a across this one on a great Australian site and immediately thought of you.

    PHNA Awareness Awards, Year of the Superheroes, http://www.phna.info/uploads/1/2/1/6/12163651/november-is-pulmonary-hypertension-awareness-month-2_orig.png

    • Brittany Foster

      November 5, 2018 at 6:27 am

      Hi Vanessa,
      Thank you so much for sharing my costume with others! So true with the image “not all superheroes wear capes”. I love that and it’s a great reminder that we are superheroes every day ! 🙂 Hope you had a great weekend.

  • Brian Gilbert

    November 6, 2018 at 2:19 pm

    Hi Brittany. Charlotte and I have found that her O2 cannula and tank are more accepted here in Durham near Duke University Hospital. Most places we go, we see others on oxygen. It seems to be part of the norm around here.

    However, back home when she’d go out, she was embarrassed to wear her oxygen because of the stares and questions. Most were very understanding and never asked. It was rare to see someone out in public wearing O2. I caught myself a few times wanting to ask why someone was wearing oxygen when I would see them. I wanted to connect, but refrained as they were probably already self conscious and I didn’t need to add to that feeling. It took courage for them to go out in public and although we could’ve shared stories, I didn’t want to make them feel uncomfortable.

    I’m wondering if making O2 tank covers that are periwinkle in color that say Pulmonary Hypertension on them would make people more aware. They could then research on their own without bombarding you with questions. That’s something I might research.

    • Brittany Foster

      November 6, 2018 at 8:07 pm

      That would be a great idea Brian. I’m glad that there is more comfort with wearing it around people who are more used to seeing the oxygen. I totally understand not wanting to wear it because of the looks and being uncomfortable with wearing it. The cover idea for the tanks is a great idea and is something that I have wanted to look into myself on how to go about creating them for individuals that need oxygen and even custom make them. Something like a slip cover for them would add some style and awareness.

  • ronald cole

    November 6, 2018 at 3:32 pm

    Hello Friends,
    I just notice that if I do not have anything to look forward to, I go into a funk. I hate it. I try to always have some kind of positive, even if unreachable, project or plan to have in my real or imaginary future. By Imaginary I mean perhaps only a 10% chance of reaching it. When I go to bed I talk to my great equalizer, I make my plans and leave it to my great equalizer to make everything come true or not, God, or in my case Jesus Christ. I love each and every one of you.

    Ron Cole

    • Brittany Foster

      November 6, 2018 at 8:09 pm

      Hi Ron,
      I’m glad that you have that spiritual strength. Having something to look forward to and goals to look ahead to are a great way to keep reminding yourself to push forward on the hard days. Thank you for sharing that with us!

  • jen-cueva

    November 8, 2018 at 10:13 pm

    Brittany, loved that WW outfit and you and your O2 tank are the Wonder Woman, for sure!

    Jody, glad you came out of the drugs and jail and although you have PH, you have so much to be thankful for. Keeping a positive outlook is huge to get us all through the roughest patches.

    Vanessa, too funny!

    Ron, looking forward to the smallest of things can do great for us!

    I usually talk to everyone I see pretty much, so I met my Scentsy Girl the other day at the Starbucks at my local Kroger. After a few minutes, several employees came to say hi, hug me , etc…my Scentsy girl , asked if I worked there previously, I was like , No, I’m just the lady on the electric cart with O2 that comes in every week or so for the last 3-4 years and talk to many of them , so they are like my other family, lol 😂 That positive vibe I get to them and from them are great for us all…make someone’s day better, say Hi, smile, or compliment them….

    • Brittany Foster

      November 9, 2018 at 9:51 am

      Thanks for sharing that positive encounter!!!! I feel like the world needs more of this. I’ve had a nurse who was around my age say to me one time “earlier today I was complaining about everything. I just wanted to leave because nothing was going my way” she said to me “my problems that made me want to leave are nothing compared to what you face and you’re sitting here exhausted and smiling”. I told her that she is allowed to have bad days too even though there will always be someone that has it worse. Sometimes people need to see that there’s still happiness to be found in struggles.

  • jen-cueva

    November 9, 2018 at 7:39 pm

    So true , Brittany! That’s such a huge thing we must remember, we are sick, yes, but others have bad days too! Just as you reminded your nurse, she too, is human , and allowed to have bad days and feel things as well. Not everyone sees that , so thanks for sharing and this is also something we need to see and hear more.

    Always some happiness in every struggle, I’ve always believed that ….

    • Brittany Foster

      November 9, 2018 at 7:42 pm

      Couldn’t agree more ! Some days it is hard to see the positive but for me it always happens when I need it the most. I once kept a gratitude journal where I made myself write down one or a few good things that happened during the day. It was a visual reminder for me that even on terrible days it’s not ALL bad.

  • jen-cueva

    November 9, 2018 at 7:47 pm

    A Gratitude journal is great , I used to keep one too. Now, I just list 3 things every morning I am grateful for as I wake up before I start my day. I think for the really bad days, or when one can’t find any positives, writing it down definitely helps and then starts a routine , or did with me.

    • Brittany Foster

      November 9, 2018 at 7:57 pm

      I agree! Writing and journaling has been very therapeutic for me. It’s my own creative outlet. I wish I could paint or had another way to channel it all through art, but writing is an art form too!

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