Pulmonary Hypertension News Forums Forums Our Community Upcoming Procedures What Is On Your Medical Calendar For October?

  • What Is On Your Medical Calendar For October?

    Posted by Colleen on September 30, 2020 at 5:49 pm

    I hope all of you have found ways to start enjoying the beautiful season of Autumn.

    Here we are, about to begin another month of this crazy year. How is October looking for you so far? What is on your schedule in regard to treatments, appointments, procedures or surgery?

    Please feel free to add anything fun that you have planned too! We like to focus on the whole person here in the forums.

    jen-cueva replied 4 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • jen-cueva

    October 1, 2020 at 11:11 am

    Isn’t it crazy how fast this season has arrived, @colleensteele? I do have a few in-person appts but nothing big this month. I also plan to get my flu shot within the next week or so.

    I am already enjoying some cooler, fall-like (for Texas) days here. That means the 70s to the low 80s, hehe. But it is one of my favorite times of the year. Sasha and I have been out on the deck already more, so that is exciting.

    Usually, I also make my mammogram and gyne appointments in October but not so sure this year. I have not scheduled them, so I will keep y’all posted. I do that in October because it is my birthday month. It helps me remember it this way. Does anyone else tend to do this? It doesn’t have to be a mammogram and gyne, including the men here too.

    Do you have any plans this month, Colleen? I bet your porch is already decorated.

  • jen-cueva

    October 22, 2020 at 10:15 am

    Hey y’all, I just wanted to check in and see who has had medical appointments so far this month and how things went.

    I did get my flu shot in the first week of the month. I also have had a few other appointments, nothing much to tell. Today, I am going to my annual eye exam, so that is one. My mammogram, I hope to schedule some time today, so it will probably be next month.

    Is this month flying by y’all too?

    @cdvol3gmail-com, @carol-alexander, @traceyaustralianmigration-co-za, @mainegal, @exjarhead57730, @annefox, and @jenniferbeaty, just a few that I thought had some appointments this month or upcoming.

  • Sally Hoffman

    October 22, 2020 at 11:55 am

    I held back on this to wait for the right question to come up and it has. This month I finally finished my tritiation up to 1600 on my Uptravi. I think the last of the side effects should stop today or tomorrow! AND if that wasn’t the best news, this sure is. The results of my echocardiogram indicated my pulmonary pressures have dropped from 63 to 40. Yeah Uptravi! I wish everyone this kind of good luck!

  • Colleen

    October 22, 2020 at 6:00 pm

    Fantastic @mainegal! That is such good news! Thank you for sharing because your success can provide hope for others.

  • jen-cueva

    October 27, 2020 at 12:02 pm

    Hey @mainegal, I am so happy that you are finished with the titration on your Uptravi. How are you feeling this week? I am so excited that Uptravi has helped you so much with your pressures! That is a win and should be in our weekly wins if you have not shared there yet.

    How are things with your kidneys after your surgery? Thanks so much for sharing your improvements here so that others will be inspired and have hope.

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