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  • Colleen And Her Family Needs Prayers And Support

    Posted by jen-cueva on July 23, 2021 at 2:13 pm

    Our sweet and supportive moderator, @colleensteele, and her family could use some positive thoughts and prayers right now.

    They are all at home but could use our love and support. Let’s show her the same support that she continues to show along with her kind and gentle heart to all.

    We love you, Colleen. Please know that y’all are in my thoughts and prayers. Please do not hesitate to reach out if y’all need anything.

    V.R. Peterson replied 2 years, 8 months ago 11 Members · 32 Replies
  • 32 Replies
  • Roger Bliss

    July 23, 2021 at 8:29 pm


    Thoughts and prayers headed your way. I hope everything works out for you and your family.

  • Susi Steppins

    July 24, 2021 at 9:22 am

    @colleensteele I hope everything gets better for you.

    I don’t know what is going on in your life right now, but you are obviously a very strong person and you got this.

    Sending you positive vibes.

  • Dawn

    July 24, 2021 at 5:26 pm

    @colleensteele, thoughts and prayers going strong for you and your family.

  • Carol Volckmann

    July 25, 2021 at 1:20 pm

    Dear Colleen, our thoughts, prayers and love are reaching out to you and your family. Please know how much love and support surrounds you. Sending you and your family positive healthy vibes and hopes all we well very soon.

  • Colleen

    July 26, 2021 at 10:43 am

    Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts and prayers. I became very sick with Covid like symptoms but have tested negative 2 times. I am prone to respiratory infections and have good results with Prednisone. I am grateful to my doctor who prescribed it for me without a visit to her office. I’m still a bit sick but defiantly better than I was.

    My “healthy” son has the same symptoms but so much worse. He has tested negative 3 times for Covid, thank God. This is either the flu or some respiratory virus. His doctor scheduled a virtual visit with him later today and I hope she will be putting him on prednisone too or an antibiotic.

    Cullen and my husband so far are feeling fine. We have been avoiding contact with them and hoping they don’t catch this.

    I would appreciate more prayers. Aidan and I are supposed to fly out to NJ to visit my parents on August 2nd. Holding off on canceling with the hope that we will both be better before then.

    • Roger Bliss

      July 27, 2021 at 1:31 am

      I hope you are feeling better SOON!! Thoughts and prayers headed your way. Glad to hear your husband and Cullen are doing ok. I hope your trip to NJ goes off as planned.

  • Carol Volckmann

    July 27, 2021 at 9:46 am

    Colleen, hope you and Aiden are feeling better and gaining your strength back. It seems that because we have all been so isolated from others and wearing masks, we have been protecting ourselves not just from covid but all the other common virus we use to be exposed to all the time. Now more folks seem to come down with these.

    My prayers and positive thoughts for you and Aiden to be able to see your folks in NJ.  Also pray your husband and Cullen stay well. Lots of love ❤

  • jen-cueva

    July 27, 2021 at 11:01 am

    @colleensteele, I hope that you are feeling better each day. I know that prednisone s often a necessary evil. I am grateful that it helps you.

    Hopefully, Aidan can start on some meds and start feeling better soon, too.

    How are Brian and Cullen today?

    I know that you have been looking forward to flying back home to NJ to see your parents and others. I hope and pray that you both recover quickly and regain strength so that both of you will be ready for this much-needed trip home.

    Please do let us know how we can best support you and your family through this. You are loved and care for greatly.

  • Colleen

    July 27, 2021 at 12:10 pm

    Thank you @wheeldog, @cdvol3gmail-com and @jen-c. I really thought I was on the mend but seem to have relapsed last night. My cough came back strong and this morning under my rib cage hurt so bad.

    Aidan got so sick he wanted to go to urgent care last night but it was late and they were all closed. He has a telemed call at 2 today. Waiting to see what doctor says then afterward we both might head to urgent care.

    Don’t know what to do about NJ. I keep delaying canceling the flight and hoping we will wake up the next day and feel a lot better.

    • Roger Bliss

      July 27, 2021 at 8:10 pm

      Your health needs to come first. Even if you feel better, you can have a relapse. It sucks to be sick far away from home. It’s best to get your doctors ok for that trip.

      Hope you feel better soon!!

  • Carol Volckmann

    July 27, 2021 at 1:06 pm

    So sorry Colleen. You and Aiden sound really sick. Urgent Care may not be the most appropriate if you two have come down with a variant. Will your doctors take your call to advise you what they would recommend? If not, maybe go to the emergency where your doctors are affiliated with.

    Please get as much rest as you can. So sorry you are hoping through this. I pray for all of you! With love.

  • Sally Hoffman

    July 27, 2021 at 4:40 pm

    Love and hugs and prayers you will be feeling better soon.

  • jen-cueva

    July 28, 2021 at 11:01 am

    Hi @colleensteele, I hope and pray that today you and Aidan both wake up feeling some better. I hate that you had a relapse.

    I can’t imagine how much you are struggling with the decision to travel home next week to see your parents. You’ve been looking forward to this trip for several years.

    But, whatever you decide, I know it will be best. Your health needs to be a priority right now. Being a mom and a caregiver, I know this is so out of your norm. But you deserve the care, too.

    How are Brian and Cullen today? I pray they continue not to catch anything.

    You are loved and cared for by so many. You are one special woman and friend.

    Thanks, to all of our forum members for offering your support, as Colleen never fails to offer to us all.

    Please know that I continue to keep yall in my morning and bedtime prayers. Reach out anytime.

  • Valerie

    July 28, 2021 at 12:04 pm


    You two get well soon! Please try to worry less. Stress weakens the immune system, this prevents your immune cells from relaxing and doing their job. Relax and think about yourself and your son! Everything will be fine, I really hope!

  • Colleen

    July 28, 2021 at 12:32 pm

    Thank you all again for the love and support. In some ways it seems like Aidan and I are improving but in other ways, not so much. The insurance on our flight tickets is good up until 24 hours prior to the flight. I am leaning towards waiting until the last minute to decide, which is so against my nature, but desperate times…

    I was telling Jen that Aidan had a very frustrating experience yesterday. He had a telemed appointment with who he thought would be his doctor, but it was some random guy. I wasn’t on the call with him or I would have asked.

    All he did was chart Aidan’s symptoms, tell him to make sure whatever over-the-counter he is taking includes sinus, and to go to urgent care in 3 days if he gets worse. Well, he made the telemed appointment because it had already been past 3 days and he has been getting worse instead of improving. No suggestion of a chest x-ray and no offer to prescribe anything but I bet my son will get a nice bill for the waste of time. Really frustrated! Has anyone else had similar experiences lately? The call was of absolutely no value at all.

    I was going to call and complain today but as @valeriekv reminded me, stress can make things worse, and that is always true for me. All that calling and complaining would do is stress me out more. So I vented here and I feel better. Thank you for listening!

  • jen-cueva

    July 29, 2021 at 10:22 am

    Oh, @colleensteele, I hope that today you and Aidan both continue to feel some improvements.

    I hate that that doctor dismissed Aidan’s concerns and was such a waste of time. I, too, would have been frustrated to put it nicely at that lack of care.

    But, @valeriekv makes some important points. Stress will only add to your already distressed body. I hope and pray that each day you are regaining some strength and feeling better.

    You sound like me. Our trip is planned for the end of August. Manny, my hubby, wants to cancel it now because of everything going on. But it is KK’s birthday, and we can wait until 48 hours before canceling.

    Unfortunately, I know for you that time is nearing so fast. I hope and pray that you are both feeling better and ready for the trip. If not, I know that rescheduling soon after you’re feeling better will make it that much more enjoyable.

  • jen-cueva

    July 29, 2021 at 10:25 am

    Hey @valeriekv, thanks for that important reminder about added stress. Often, when we feel our worst, we tend to get upset and stressed quicker than usual. Do you find this happens, too?

    But we need this crucial reminder about stress on our weakened immune systems.

    How have you been?

    • Valerie

      July 30, 2021 at 3:14 pm

      Thank you, I’m fine. I’m tired of the heat, which makes me stop often and rest a lot, but in general I’m fine. As for stress, now I constantly remind myself how harmful it is for the immune system to be nervous a lot.
      You and Colleen, you’ve been through so much lately. I consider you real fighters! I hope that everything will be fine for Colleen and her son very soon!

      • jen-cueva

        August 2, 2021 at 10:52 am

        Hi @valeriekv, you are too kind. The funny thing is that I think of you all as PHighters. Y’all continue to PHight through each new day while supporting one another.

        Like you, the heat tends to exhaust me quickly. I am happy that you know that you need to stop and take breaks.

        You mention, “I constantly remind myself how harmful it is for the immune system to be nervous a lot.” This is so important for us all to keep in mind. When you reminded Colleen of this last week, I thought it was such an important reminder.

        Thank you for that, and now I find that I am reminding myself the same. I also tend to ask if this will even matter tomorrow. Many things that we tend to stress over don’t matter tomorrow, so not worth it.

        I hope that you have an awesome week. Stay cool.

  • Colleen

    July 29, 2021 at 1:28 pm

    Oh, I don’t want to jinx us, but guess who is feeling better? The trip to Jersey remains in the plans for me and Aidan!

    Thank you again everyone for the support and prayers!

  • Kathleen Grady

    July 29, 2021 at 2:08 pm

    Sending positive thoughts, and good energy your way..hope you all feel better and are able to travel.


  • Susi Steppins

    July 29, 2021 at 4:05 pm

    So happy things are working out for you @colleensteele.


  • Carol Volckmann

    July 29, 2021 at 5:05 pm

    So very happy for you and Aidan are feeling better ???? and seeing the family is on. Continue getting better and stronger and have a wonderful time catching up with every on the East Coast! ❤

  • V.R. Peterson

    July 29, 2021 at 5:35 pm

    Thank you for letting us know, @jenc. @colleensteele, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • jen-cueva

    July 30, 2021 at 1:17 pm

    Hi @colleensteele, I am so excited that you are both feeling better and packing for that trip back home to NJ.

    Please take it easy and take some time to rest as you enjoy your parents, family, and friends. I look forward to the pics and stories once you return. ????

  • jen-cueva

    August 4, 2021 at 2:33 pm

    As y’all know, our amazing moderator, @colleensteele, made her trip back home to see her folks. Unfortunately, this morning, I heard from her. She was at the hospital with her mom.

    Her mom had a fall the day before she arrived. She woke up this morning with excruciating pain. Colleen convinced her that she needed medical attention.

    Thankfully she agreed but unfortunately has a bruised chest and broken sternum. Colleen is still there with her. They hope to be discharged home within a few hours.

    She is an only child, so Colleen may need to extend her visit. As you all know, Colleen is a caregiver to all at home. I know she must be worried about her husband and her boys. Her plate is overflowing for sure.

    Please keep Colleen, her husband and boys, and her parents in your thoughts and prayers. Let’s show her the same support that she never fails to show us all. No need to tag her in your post. She will read the messages when she has a chance.

  • Md. Abul Kalam Azad

    August 5, 2021 at 10:51 pm

    Dear Colleen

    I hope now you are fine with your family. You are always with our thoughts and prayers.


  • Md. Abul Kalam Azad

    August 5, 2021 at 10:52 pm

    Dear Colleen

    I hope now you are fine with your family. You are always with our thoughts and prayers.



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