• Do You Struggle Staying on Tasks and Time Management?

    Posted by jen-cueva on March 1, 2021 at 3:30 pm

    I have found post-COVID that my struggles with focusing on tasks and time management have been a disaster. Do you find it difficult to stay on task or time management when you’re having a bad PH day? This includes tasks at home or works for those who are still working. Doctor appointments and calls about medical things are a huge part of my tasks.

    I have started to set my timer to fulfill a task and move on. Then I usually take a break. Sadly, some days after the break, I may be done for the day, LOL.

    I mean that I am exhausted mentally and physically. Do you have this struggle? What are some of your favorite tips?

    jen-cueva replied 3 years, 1 month ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Colleen

    March 1, 2021 at 3:42 pm

    @jenc I wouldn’t be surprised if most of us can relate to this. Cullen was in grade school when he had PH. Staying on task is often a challenge for kids that age to begin with, but adding PH to the mix was really hard on him.

    And as a caregiver it was hard on me, and still is at times. For me it’s post-hospital stays that I feel non-functional for several days, sometimes a week. The after stress fatigues me and I find myself either forgetting to do things or procrastinating on getting them done.

    Don’t be hard on yourself about this. On a good day staying on task and time management can be a challenge – adding a rare disease to your responsibilities can sometimes feel overwhelming. I totally get it!

  • jen-cueva

    March 2, 2021 at 11:11 am

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, @colleensteele. I cannot even begin to imagine how complicated this made Cullen’s focus and task performance at that age.

    I do know that Manny, my hubby and caregiver, also struggles with this at times. Other days, I am grateful because cleaning is often a stress-reliever for him if he is not fatigued.

    I think that pre-COVID I was better most days at this, but now it is a new norm to try and figure out. As you mention, some days, I procrastinate as I do not feel like doing a task, either mentally or physically.

    Mornings often, I feel more on task. But then again, this is not every morning. LOL –

    Do you feel like you keep more on task at certain times of the day?

  • jen-cueva

    March 9, 2021 at 4:45 pm

    As I shared this last week, I wanted to hop on and share a link to a few resources a colleague shared with me. I have been trying to use the times. I have not uploaded the app; I think it may be more helpful if I did that.

    The timer is the tomato timer or Pomodoro timer.

    She also mentioned that she loves reading Micheal Hyatt & Co- Although I have yet to read all that I would love to, I have read several of these posts.

    Are you familiar with the tomato timer or Micheal Hyatt? Let’s talk about this. What works and what doesn’t for you?


    March 14, 2021 at 7:23 pm

    Jen I can so relate to staying on task, and that is such a good idea about setting a timer. I really like that idea. I’m going to try it I have a kitchen cooking timer that I’ll use. I was lucky enough to never have caught covid, but still have major problems with memory and staying on task. I didn’t need covid to develop that problem.

    • jen-cueva

      March 16, 2021 at 12:02 pm

      Hi @kristine, I hope that the timer helps. Now, if you are like me, you may tend to hit the timer off and continue working on that task, LOL.

      What has your experience been thus far? Did you try a timer yet?

      I love your sense of humor, Hehe.

  • Carol Volckmann

    March 16, 2021 at 3:47 pm

    Just staying on task with doctor, labs, meds, supplies, changing pumps, IV supplies all gets overwhelming oh yeah, I forgot excersiss for my bowel inconvenience – I just want a day off!

    I think that must be what we all might wish for, Jen, Colleen, Cullen and Kristine. So … maybe it is okay not to have to be focused every day, all the time.

    The one thing that does help for me is to put the most important must do issues early in the day. By 3pm I am done in ( use to be 4pm). Here we go trying to find the balance but that is good isn’t it?

    • jen-cueva

      March 17, 2021 at 2:15 pm

      Exactly @cdvol3gmail-com, you read my mind the last few days. The calls, doctors, pharmacies, case managers x 3, and all of that are` becoming overwhelming some days. Like you, Carol, I try and focus on a few small tasks each day. I am doing better not having to have anything done. I am resting more, and like you, by 3 or 4 PM, I am done. Right now, I am on the couch under my heated blanket for my leg pains. On Friday last week, I had 4-5 calls regarding health; Manny was like, do you ever have an “off” day with the calls. Yep, the weekends usually.

      I love this discussion. Thanks for all of your experiences.

  • Bruce McDougald

    March 16, 2021 at 3:51 pm

    YES!! In my case I think it’s a combination of having far less energy than I used to have (prior to my acquiring PAH and formal diagnosis) and Stress/Anxiety. The stress/anxiety zaps my strength to complete my tasks. For me the best way to handle this is to divide whatever task I am doing (i.e. insurance paperwork, application filing, etc.) into smaller components and give myself permission to do just one component a day rather than the entire task. Plus take as many rest breaks as I need.
    –For some strange reason (do not take this as advise) I find that working at my tasks often seem easier in the evening and early night rather than earlier in the day. Sometimes I’ll suddenly get the extra energy I need as late as 10pm or 11pm and will work until 1am or 2am and get some good work done. Go figure!

  • jen-cueva

    March 17, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    Hi @brucemcdougald, stress, and anxiety certainly can zap your energy. Yes, using the system that I have with the tomato timer, you focus on one task for 25 minutes, then take a break. You can restart it as you start working on another project.

    Bruce, funny you mention that. When I couldn’t sleep, I would often be up in the middle of the night and early mornings. I would write columns and work on tasks. Now with my night meds, I ma out within an hour.

    Hey, we do whatever we need to do, especially when doing it on our own time.

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