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Happy Thanksgiving
Posted by jen-cueva on November 24, 2021 at 5:32 pm@colleensteele and I want to wish all of our forum members who celebrate a happy Thanksgiving. We will be off for a few days, although we may check-in at times.
For many, things may still be different this year. Most are still taking necessary COVID measures, which makes celebrating the holidays with loved ones more difficult. But know you’re not alone.
Whatever you have planned, we hope you manage to find some gratitude this season. We are grateful for each of you and honored to spend our days with you all. What began as a small job became a PHamily.
Please stay safe and enjoy something good to eat. I know that I plan on making up for lost time, LOL.
Colleen Steele replied 3 months, 1 week ago 7 Members · 29 Replies -
29 Replies
Happy Thanksgiving, PHriends! I am so thankful for the compassion and advocacy that we share through the forums. You have all become dear to my heart and I wish you nothing but joy this holiday season.
Happy Thanksgiving. Counting Blessings….. too many to count ????
Thank you, @jecaraway62. I hope that you enjoyed a realizing Thanksgiving weekend. I, too, have too many blessings to count.
Have a great new week. Maybe we will see you at the Zoom social later today?
Wishing you all a relaxing and joyful Thanksgiving holiday! 🦃🍁 We wanted to let you know that we will be closed tomorrow (11/23) and will return on Monday (11/27).
I already started my prep for some of tomorrow’s dinner. There’s no way I can do it all tomorrow. But, excited that KK is coming to help tomorrow, too.
So, what are your plans for Thanksgiving? Let’s not forget those in the hospital, grieving loved ones, or alone. A simple text or call to check on them can brighten their day! 😊
Oh, and before I forget, I have a recent column to share. It’s about a funny and interesting topic that never crossed my mind until this year! Must be that extra wisdom I gained after my birthday. Hehe
Enjoy your holiday and stay safe!
Although we aren’t there yet, Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I’ve seen others at the grocery store already stocking up on items they need to prepare their Thanksgiving feasts.
Let’s play a fun game. I’ve seen this and similar polls online, mostly on social media platforms.
- What’s the most important side dish at Thanksgiving?
A. Mashed potatoes
B. Yams
C. Cranberry sauce
D. Green bean casserole
E. Mac -n cheese
F. Stuffing (or Dressing as the southerners say)Let’s prepare to enjoy the bounty of food, family, and friends this Thanksgiving.
OK, no one wants to join in on the Thanksgiving fun? I’ll go first, but I have to play by selecting one I can do without mashed potatoes or mac n cheese. We must have stuffing (dressing) and gracy with cranberries.
My husband Manny grew up with mashed potatoes and yams, and his mom would make stovetop stuffing. That’s fine, but for us in the South, we had an abundance of food. I’m unsure if mashed potatoes, macaroni, and cheese were always on the main menu. Others might bring those dishes, but at home, especially with my grandparents, we enjoyed turkey, ham, stuffing, broccoli rice and cheese casserole (which I’ve been craving lately), green bean casserole, collard greens, gravy, cranberry sauce from a can (which is why I now prefer fresh cranberries), and yams or sweet potato casserole.
As I write this, I’m suddenly getting hungry, and it’s almost 9 AM here, LOL.
I always say it’s more about the people you are with; the food is just a bonus. We can appreciate whatever is served and count our many blessings.
I’m tagging a few of you to know everyone’s favorite dishes, Thanksgiving plans, and blessings you’d like to share. @carol-volckmann , @brenda-denzler , @Aunt Lizzie , @Randolph Reynolds , @Jimi Mcintosh , @Col , @V.R. Peterson , @Debbie Moore , @Carol alexander , @Carmela , @Randy , @Terry , @Cja040466 , @Amyballou69 , @Libby and others.
This year, my favorite dishes were quite different from what I usually enjoy. We had several new appetizers; I prepared one featuring goat cheese, pomegranate, and almonds drizzled with hot honey. I loved it but only got one bite because it was a hit. Additionally, one of my friends made her homemade mac and cheese, which has always been a favorite of mine. And, of course, the homemade mashed potatoes with gravy were a staple.
For dessert, I sampled a bite of smoked cheesecake with a delightful hint of smokiness and a bite of bundt carrot cake topped with cream cheese frosting. I’m sensing a theme this year; it seems like it’s been a “cheesy” Thanksgiving! LOL
Did you notice any changes in your favorite dishes this Thanksgiving?
- What’s the most important side dish at Thanksgiving?
Okay, I’ll play – mashed potatoes are a must have at 🦃 with lots of butter, sour cream, a bit of milk, did I say lots of butter?!! A must have for Dick is rutabaga mashed with lots of butter cooked with one small potato and he has to have canned cranberry sauce. Of course green bean casserole (fresh), stuffing, giblets gravy 😋 oh, and turkey 🦃.
We have many things to be thankful especially thankful for Jen and Colleen both are so dear to my heart. You both have done so much for everyone. Love you both so much. Dick and I wish everyone a very Happy 😊 Thanksgiving filled with laughter, joy, light and love ❤️.
Correct. Mashed potatoes are a must-have. It’s not T-Day without mashed taters.
@brenda-denzler my husband would jump on that mashed potato wagon too! I love yams ever since my mother-in-law introduced my tastebuds to putting marshmallows on top! I don’t know if that recipe just never made it to the East coast when I was a kid, but I went my entire childhood deprived of marshmallows on my Thanksgiving yams so now, like the big kid that I am, it’s a must!
Oy! Gag! Marshmallows on yams?!! Gross!!!
Of course, my parents loved it. But I’ve never been able to get on board with it. 🙂
Hi, @Colleen , yes, I think my late MIL was where I first I first had the sweet potato casserole with marshmallows on top. I also enjoy that addition, and we usually have that. Manny always asked for mashed, but then the yams tasted like dessert to me.
Will Cullen be coming home to enjoy Thanksgiving with you and your folks? How about Aidan? Will you prep the Thanksgiving dinner or who is the cook around there? I know Brian was a great cook and did cook lots. 💜
@jen-cueva , yes, Cullen is coming home for Thanksgiving but unfortunately Aidan only has a few days off from work and won’t be making the trip. Last year I was in WA and Cullen was here and he made Thanksgiving dinner for the first time, all on his own, and he did amazing! I asked him if he would like to do it again but he said, “Nope, your turn!” lol!
Hehe, @Colleen , that’s too funny. Cullen is coming home and making it clear his turn was last year. Maybe you and him could work on it together. I remember how proud he and you were that he made your parents a Thanksgiving dinner. Perhaps you can get part of it at a local market, like the turkey or desserts. They usually have family packages, and some are great!
Don’t make the same mistake I did by assuming the turkey is fully cooked, only to find a frozen solid bird when you get home! It was my first year cooking for Manny, KK, and myself, and I had to work too. I thought it would be convenient to buy the turkey, rolls, and dessert. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize there were two packages available: one containing a fully cooked bird and the other with a turkey that needed to be cooked. Nobody mentioned that it was frozen solid! As a result, we ended up having a late Thanksgiving dinner that year. Hehe.
Maybe Aidan can join you all during the Christmas holiday!
LOL, @brenda-denzler , well I prefer to have than all, but if the gravy is good, mashed “taters” as you say will win over yams. 😲
What about dessert? I am curious to know which desesrts win in the forums.
@carol-volckmann you and all the forum members are so important to @jen-cueva and I. We are here to offer our love and support but receive so much of that in return. We are thankful for you! I hope you and Dick have a very “filling” Thanksgiving!
hehe @carol-volckmann , you sound like me at Thanksgiving. I saw a sweatshirt that said, “I’m a side chick,” and I told Manny I needed to buy one to wear for Thanksgiving. I’m all about the sides and maybe dessert. I can do without the turkey. 😂
I’ve never been a fan of rutabagas, but my older sister loved them. I thought they were smelly, LOL. I am with you on the extra butter mashed potatoes, rolls, and gravy, so I would be set. I’m already drooling.
Do you have any favorite desserts for Thanksgiving? 🦃
Thanks for your kind words; we are all grateful to have each of you as an extended PHamily! 💜
Hi @jen-cueva , rutabagas are not favorite either, but Dick loves them. As for deserts, ice cream would be fine, pumpkin or apple are both okay – I am not a big desert eater.
I use to love big gatherings especially especially if we were hosting, but both Dick’s and my hearing even with hearing aids is awful when lots of people are talking neither one of us can hear. We like to have one or two other couples.
Hope you are doing much better. You are in my thoughts and all the best wishes I can think of. Sending positive ✨️ energy with hugs 🫂 🤗 and love ❤️!!
Curious discussion on cooking for Thanksgiving. This year we visit a friend and the call is her’s but I suspect in addition to the turkey there will be some exotic things. . .well like you all mentioned.
Was it not George Washington call for a day of thanks and that eventually become what we have today? Thus it should be a day of thanks, especially after 248 years of being free.
@Randolph Reynolds Thanksgiving with a friend is a lovely way to spend it! Enjoy and thank you for being a friend to everyone here!
Hi @Randolph Reynolds ,that sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving plan. 🦃
We are going to spend Thanksgiving with our daughter and some friends. I am still deciding between making skillet corn or a corn casserole. I’ll also be preparing my late great-grandmother’s sweet potato pie(Manny’s request) and a fall salad with pecans and cranberries.
We will have plenty of food because our friends invite the Navy guys from our friend’s unit who don’t have family nearby. I’m excited about everything and hope I stay healthy and don’t catch anything. The only things I’m looking forward to “catching” are the fun conversations and delicious food.
Wishing you, your wife, and your friends a wonderful Thanksgiving next week! We are thankful for you. 💜
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, our incredible forum members. This year, @Colleen and I will be off Thursday and Friday to celebrate with our loved ones. 🦃
We are grateful for each of you here, and thank you all for sharing your experiences with us and the other forum members. It is not always easy and can sometimes be difficult, but I am grateful for the many lessons that I continue to learn from you all. 💜
Have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday, and remember to rest and savor the memories. 🤗
And don’t forget to wear those stretchy pants, LOL.
I hope everyone celebrating, had a happy Thanksgiving! You were all in my prayers of thanks. Due to empty chairs, holidays can be a combination of joy and grief. If you are missing someone this holiday season I pray that you can find joy in memories of your loved one and happiness from the people who remain around you.
Hi @Colleen , thank you so much for that reminder. Many find themselves at a table with empty chairs or alone. I know you and your family experienced that, too. How did things go? Did you and Cullen work together on making Thanksgiving dinner?
Did you find yourself with a mix of emotions, and how did you cope? Did you allow yourself to feel joy, emptiness, and grief together? Extra love and prayers for you, as I know the holidays are tough when we have lost family and other loved ones. 🤗
@jen-cueva I prepared Thanksgiving dinner on my own but Cullen helped me with clean-up. Brian was on our minds all day because Thanksgiving was his favorite holiday. Happy memories got us through the holiday.
Hi @Colleen , congrats! Was that the first year you made the Thanksgiving dinner by yourself? I love that Cullen helped clean up. I did the same at a friend’s house. But I also helped them set up as they ran behind when we arrived.
I bet you and Cullen laughed as you worked together and discussed the happy memories you shared with Brian. Was there something special he always enjoyed that you also incorporated into the dinner you made? I know you all enjoyed the leftover famous sandwiches.
Did your parents enjoy the leftover sandwiches, too?
Thanks for sharing; I can’t begin to imagine how difficult each holiday is for you all. 🤗
@jen-cueva it was the first year making the dinner alone and it went better than I expected. The candied yams with marshmallows I learned from Brian and it was the first time my parents ever had it. They really likes it but were confused whether it was a side dish or a dessert! LOL!
I did make my special sandwiches in the days following and it was those that hit me hard. Grief is so unpredictable. The oddest things can trigger tears. Brian loved the sandwiches I make and it hit me hard that I couldn’t make one for him.
What was your favorite memory made this Thanksgiving?
Hi @Colleen , I bet your Thanksgiving dinner was great! I laugh when you share your parents didn’t know if the candied yams with marshmallows were a dessert or side. I eat it for both, LOL.
Aww, sweet Colleen, I bet when you ate those leftover sandwiches each time grief popped in. It’s unpredictable, as you say, and there is no rhyme or reason for what and when it shows up. But, since sandwiches were Brian’s favorite, it must have been difficult.
My favorite Thanksgiving memory this year was helping in the kitchen after we arrived to finish up the last-minute details for our Thanksgiving feast. I was also inspired by how nicely my friend decorated her table.
@jen-cueva I’m happy to hear you enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving!
How about our forum members? Anyone care to share your Thanksgiving memories with us?
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