Pulmonary Hypertension News Forums Forums COVID-19 and PH Having Trouble Finding Foods During The Lockdown?

  • Having Trouble Finding Foods During The Lockdown?

    Posted by jen-cueva on March 22, 2020 at 11:46 am

    I realize that most of us have seen where people are not only hoarding paper products but food too. With this going on, have you found it challenging to access the food that you are most familiar with cooking?

    For me, here in Texas, we are not officially lockdown yet, but I have been minus a drive to get out of the house. But, my husband, who still has to go to work, makes any grocery and pharmacy trips needed. Sadly, grocery delivery has stopped too. I often use delivery when I am feeling bad.

    The last week or so, he has been to Costco and our local grocers trying to get food. We do have some frozen meats and veggies in the freezer. But, so many other items, like canned beans, are pretty much non-existent. He did grab a bag of dried pinto beans.

    Still, we do not have much produce. Usually, produce is at least half or more of my total groceries. So, I am working with what we have, as I am sure you all are, too. I was talking to my daughter, and she reminded me of our local co-op where they are offering half-price shares and boxes during this time. It is also a drive-thru service that they will load up in your car. This will be a win-win if I can do this as it helps my local farmers and me.

    Do y’all have anything like this available in your area? Are y’all finding alternative ways to cook using the ingredients that you have on hand?

    Colleen replied 4 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Brittany Foster

    March 23, 2020 at 10:21 am

    Hey @jenc I have been a fan of online shopping for groceries lately. Thankfully I caught onto this trend before it started getting big because of people not wanting to leave the house or not being able to leave the house. It is hard to get what I need though, unless I do the shopping in the early morning time. My bf has been stocking up on food that doesn’t take much preparation time or the use of hands to make. This is also important when it comes to staying as clean as possible. Right now, I just really don’t want anyone else touching my food.

  • jen-cueva

    March 23, 2020 at 1:44 pm

    Yes, @brittany-foster, I, too, have been using online grocery delivery for some time. My local stores, like Kroger and HEB, often had free delivery or half off. I started this after a hospitalization. It is a lifesaver, and although I prefer going to pick out my food, grocery delivery can be a huge help.

    Our local stores only offer online ordering with pick up, and that is only one of the two above. I heard that they are going to reopen the delivery service so that we will see. Our meals have not been the same as we use what we have and what hubby can get when he goes.

    When trying to do online grocery shopping, starting early in the morning is an excellent tip. How many others have used online grocery delivery?

  • Colleen

    March 23, 2020 at 5:05 pm

    @jenc @brittany-foster we have been using the Safeway home delivery for several months (before the virus). Now so many are using it making the slots fill up quickly. When one order is delivered we start placing the next one because the next available time is often a week away. It is a lifesaver and I wish it was available when Cullen was recovering from transplant. I hated leaving him by himself to do grocery shopping.

  • Robin Webster

    March 24, 2020 at 1:01 am

    I almost always use online grocery shopping during cold and flu season, so I’m very familiar with it. Unfortunately now, it’s much harder to get a “slot” for delivery in our area. Normally I order and it arrives the next day. Today I ordered and the first available slot is a week from now. I haven’t been on this forum for quite a while because of some serious health problems. In early December I had divirticulitis and was hospitalized for 10 days when it turned to sepsis. At that time they reported discovering one of my pacemaker leads wasn’t working. Because they couldn’t confirm whether or not the infection was on the metal of my implant, I wound up with a picc line for IV infusion antibiotics for six weeks. Finally went in for surgery three weeks ago to replace the lead but it turned out the line was fine and something else was wrong with an area of my heart. Long story short, the quickie surgery turned into a 7-hour ordeal and I wound up with a new pacemaker because the old one couldn’t be programmed the way they needed to do it. All of this is simply to say, I’m afraid to eat any food not prepared by me. And I’m worried that eating all of the frozen and canned food (which is mostly all I can seem to get my hands on) will take a toll on my various medical conditions. I eat much, much healthier than that. I am self-isolated, but my husband still has to go out to work daily, and I fear he will bring
    covid-19 back into the house every day. I feel as if I’ve been on “high alert” and at an increased risk of dying since Dec. 7, and it’s really starting to wear me out. I hope all of you are well and keeping safe.

  • Brittany Foster

    March 24, 2020 at 11:22 am

    @colleensteele that must have been a challenge to leave Cullen when he was recovering. I know that ordering online is a lot easier for me to do too. Something that I wish they did with the online ordering is make it accessible for those that are on EBT for food. I am actually helped out by the government when it comes to money for food every month because I am on a limited income with my disability. Most delivery places (all around here) don’t cover food purchased through EBT which I think really is a disadvantage and a bummer for those that need the food and can’t leave for medical reasons etc. When all of this is over that is something that I am going to write to the governor about and see if change can happen there.

  • Brittany Foster

    March 24, 2020 at 11:45 am

    @robin-webster it is so nice to see you back here on the forums. I have been thinking about you. I am sorry you have been going through so much in the last few months and I wish there was more that the doctors could do for you. It seems like your body has been through a lot with the serious infection you had and the recent surgery that turned out longer than expected. That is such a toll on the body and of course the mind too! It makes it even harder when the world is facing such a crisis right now. It has really limited the medical care that I get and the care that I normally would receive, especially with my own dehydration and lack of nutrition that I have been experiencing. I know all of this is even more scary and it must be taking a toll on you. Please know that we are always here for any support and encouragement that you need, or just to have someone listen.

  • jen-cueva

    March 24, 2020 at 4:34 pm

    @colleensteele, I am happy to say that our delivery service is back for at least Kroger. I, too, have used it for some time last year after a hospital visit. I can see how helpful this was just post-transplant for you. I agree, now it stays so busy, it is hard to get an order in. I plan to try late tonight to see how that goes.

    @brittany-foster, I did not know that delivery did not accept EBT cards until a few months ago. A PHriend of mine had an infection and was going to have her Aldi delivered. She was bummed as hse found out they did not accept her EBT card. She then tried another local store, which also did not take it. It certainly would be a disadvantage for those on a limited income and now unable to leave home.

  • jen-cueva

    March 24, 2020 at 4:40 pm

    Oh No, @robin-webster. I am so sorry to hear of your health struggles. You must be exhausted mentally and physically. I knew that I had not seen you here in a while. I was hoping that you were busy as before. I am sure this has been a rough road and out of nowhere. Please know that we are here and hope to help support you as your mind and body recovers.

  • Brittany Foster

    March 24, 2020 at 5:30 pm

    @jenc it really is unfortunate and I feel for your friend that had this happen to them too. It is sad because those that are on disability and receiving benefits should be able to get delivery service. Especially when on disability this should be a separate card or number or something. I wonder if calling the grocery stores maybe they could set that up or help with that personally? I feel like action needs to be taken though, whether that’s with contacting a store or contacting the governor office about it.

  • jen-cueva

    March 25, 2020 at 10:00 am

    This is something that I agree should be addressed. Not only now, but all of the time. Those who are on disability may not be able to get to the grocery store. I know, even with my hubby, some days, when he is working long hours, it is so helpful. I think about my PH friend and others who may live alone and unable to make the trip to get food. I believe that these are topics that we must share with our local congressmen and women. These are some valid concerns and must be more prevalent than most think.

    An update on my local delivery service, I tried last night. The earliest that was available for delivery was next Wednesday. I think it is backed up even more because they just started back delivery services. So, it looks like my hubby will be shopping again. I will put in an order for later next week. He gets too much junk, saying that is all that is left. -Hehe

    Truth is, he always buys more junk that I do.

  • Brittany Foster

    March 26, 2020 at 8:51 am

    LOL @jenc my fiance gets a lot of junk food type things too! I must admit that they are pretty good, but the sodium content in what he buys usually is pretty high. After eating anything that is frozen or preserved (that mostly has a lot of sodium in it) I feel the effects in my body the next day, especially swelling in my arms and hands. This is where I notice it the most on me. I definitely need to be more conscious about the salt added into things that are frozen! It’s important to check the labels and a good reminder for me.

  • Karen van Schaick

    March 26, 2020 at 11:07 am

    I am pretty lucky my husband works at a Krogers Pick n save here in waukesha wisconsin. He is the .receiving manager and he start early in the morning before the store opens up. I give him at list on what we need and he picks it up. He also picks up my medication after i call it in. On sundays every two weeks we shop together at the Woodmans near our house. He is also my driver since my car is in storage for the winter.

  • jen-cueva

    March 26, 2020 at 12:44 pm

    @brittany-foster, yes, we have to watch those quick meals. Often the frozen and canned items have too much sodium. I know right now, it may be hard to get exactly what we are used to eating. But, at least here, it seems as if Kroger is restocking more than the previous weeks.

    Do y’all notice that in your areas yet?

  • jen-cueva

    March 26, 2020 at 12:50 pm

    Hi, @karen-van-schaick, that is pretty lucky! I have been sending my hubby as he is already out for work, but he has not been taking a list. Often he stops on his way home, so he grabs whatever. I usually have a list and plan my meals for the week. My hubby also picks up any medications that I have ready for pick up, too. I must say that I am lucky, too. I also have a treat drawer full of candy, not my usual, Hehe.

    Are you still going out for your Sunday shopping trips? Has your area in Wisconsin started lockdowns? It sounds like you can access most of what you and your husband needs.

  • Karen van Schaick

    March 26, 2020 at 1:55 pm

    yes wisconsin has a safe at home, but i am still going shopping on sunday after i watch my church service on you tube. going to wear a mask and wear gloves and carry my santizer. If i can’t find what i am looking for it won’t bother me. I don’t buy quick frozen dinner. I love to cook make do with i have. I have been home bound for the last 8 months and i’m on medical disability. Haven”t work since last august 18th. I have worked the food service for 35 years and the last 17 years with my medical issues. I have liver disease, ph, autoimmune disease right heart failure and a hernia. I am a walking host of medical problem which there is no cure. But i am still happy go lucky me. have a great day stay safe and GOD BLESS YOU.

  • Colleen

    March 26, 2020 at 5:24 pm

    @karen-van-schaick you are certainly dealing with a lot medically. I appreciate how you still manage a warm approach to life and make time to enjoy what you love – cooking. What are your favorite dishes to prepare?

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