• Hi, Introduction

    Posted by Mary Sky Mac on October 17, 2023 at 4:44 pm

    I went to the welcome Lounge but wasn’t able to find a place to enter a post. I just wanted to say “hi” to everyone & introduce myself. I’m not really “new” as I created this account in 2018, but have been a “fly on the wall,” just watching everyone else’s posts since then. Please don’t think I’m a “lurker;” I’m not. Part of the reason I didn’t contribute to the conversation was that I’m shy; another part was that I’m always exhausted and even answering texts/emails overwhelms me ((which is why my email inbox currently has 2573 emails to be dealt with). The biggest reason, however, is that I forgot not only my password for the Forums, but also forgot where I wrote it down. I was convinced that creating yet ANOTHER password would be the death of me. So I didn’t. Until today.

    Since I’ve already broken the rule/ignored the tip to ” keep it short,” I’ll continue just long enough to tell you who I am. I’m a 64 y.o. never married female wh worked for 30+ years as an RN in med-surg, emergency room, and ICU settings until PAH forced my early retirement at age 51-52, in 2012. I was diagnosed w/mixed connective tissue disease when I was 26 years old, though that diagnosis was clarified to be scleroderma (CREST form) about a decade ago. More recently (2019), I was diagnosed with dysautonomia when I started having a racing heart, dizziness, and falling down every time I stood up (breaking my R humerus–which wasn’t funny–and shoulder in 3 places & tearing all the ligaments off the bone. All of those problems are stable at the moment and my biggest complaint/most limiting condition is chronic exhaustion and chronic, disabling back pain (and lifelong depression which, as you might imagine, has not lessened since the onset of all these chronic problems). Though I very much wanted to be a mother, the opportunity did not present itself. As close as I’ve come in being “Mama” to my 7 year old chihuahua mix Nutmeg, and a very proud and doting aunt to my niece and to her two boys (ages 16.5 and 23.75).

    So TMI, I know. I’ll keep it (much) shorter next time—though, fair warning, my childhood nickname was “Windy” because I kicked up a gust with my non-stop talking. Next time, at least, I’ll try to talk about something more interesting than myself.

    Vanessa Vaile replied 9 months, 1 week ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Colleen Steele

    October 17, 2023 at 9:54 pm

    @Mary Sky Mac you did perfect posting here. When you want to post something you can select a sub-forum closest to your topic and either comment there, or start a new topic.

    We never consider any member a stalker. If just reading the conversations helps someone than we are happy with that! It is so nice to hear from you though.

    BTW, mamma’s to fur babies are acknowledged and loved here, and so are proud aunts!

  • jen-cueva

    October 18, 2023 at 12:11 pm

    Hi, @Mary Sky Mac, welcome to the forums. And you did great by sharing an introduction here. We are grateful that you finally decided to jump in and share a little about yourself.

    I can relate to your nickname, “Windy”. I, too, talk lots and often write the same. IDK if it’s the nurse in me or what. Hehe.

    We are happy you celebrate being moma of your fur baby, Nutmeg! Of course, the cool aunts are celebrated, too. I, too, am one. However, I’ve been sick for most of my nephews and nieces’ lives.

    If you have any trouble or questions about the forums, contact me or Colleen. We are thrilled that you felt it was time to share. Welcome, officially, to our PHamily!🤗💜

  • Vanessa Vaile

    October 20, 2023 at 4:46 pm

    I❣love the long form introduction! Anyway, I don’t remember seeing that tip about short and don’t miss it in the least.

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