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  • How Do You Define Wellness?

    Posted by jen-cueva on October 27, 2022 at 12:52 pm

    Wellness is about caring for your mind, body, and soul. Even with PH, we can continue to strive for wellness.

    For example, emotional wellness is vital to me. I start my day with gratitude. I also enjoy quiet time to myself or hanging out with friends and laughing. Physical wellness may be listening to my body when it’s telling me to rest. Both of these dimensions of wellness are a work in progress for me and probably always will be.

    How do you define wellness? What unique tips can you share that help you balance all dimensions of wellness?

    jen-cueva replied 1 year, 4 months ago 6 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • Erik

    October 27, 2022 at 4:19 pm

    Happiness is important to my wellness.  Each morning when I get up being greeted by my dogs (kiddos) makes me happy.  Every chance I can hang out with my Grand kids and goofing around with them is a special time. Getting pictures of my other grand kids from out of town is a special time, and when I can talk to them is even better.

    • Colleen

      October 28, 2022 at 9:54 pm

      @erikborn nice picture! Dogs and children certainly have a way of bringing joy to life and it sounds like your life is full of both! How many grandchildren do you have?

      I want to hear more about your dogs too! What are their breeds and names? I have a Jack Russell (Mellow) and Husky (Harmony). Can’t leave out the orange cat Millie.

      • Erik

        October 29, 2022 at 6:06 am

        I have 6 grand kids and 1 due in April.  I have 2 dogs Molly is a 2 year old German shepherd, and nia is a Australian lab mix and is 9.

      • Colleen

        November 1, 2022 at 9:16 pm

        @erikborn those are beautiful breeds and smart too! Funny, my dogs are about the same ages…Harmony is almost 2 and Mellow is 8.

        Congratulations on the new little on their way! 7 grandchildren…what a blessing! Any special family gatherings planned for the holiday’s?

    • jen-cueva

      October 31, 2022 at 1:33 pm

      Hi @erikborn, it sounds like your family, including fur babies, is your joy. I love that you shared your dogs’ names. I bet they keep you busy, too. Family and fur babies certainly do add to the happiness factor of wellness.

      Congrats on your 7th grandchild coming in April. How many of them live there close by?

      What kinds of things do you and your grandkids enjoy? It sounds like being together, acting goofy, and laughing are your favorite times.

      • Erik

        October 31, 2022 at 5:54 pm

        I have 3 that live in Nebraska, and 1 and the one on the way lives in Tennessee.  I have 2 who live in colorado about 15 minutes away.  they are the ones i goof with.  We go to the indoor playground during bad weather and we just play at the house with her baby dolls.  She also has chickens so we play with her favorite one, Muffin top.

      • jen-cueva

        November 1, 2022 at 12:18 pm

        I love that you play with baby dolls with your granddaughter and the indoor playground on the days when the weather is not so good in CO. With all that goofing, I bet you are exhausted at the end of those days.

        So, do y’all chase the chickens or take it and cuddle? I LOVE the name muffin top she chose.

        Do you think everyone will be together sometime during the holidays? I know the weather in Nebraska and Colorado can be harsh, and possibly in Tennessee during the winter.

      • Erik

        November 1, 2022 at 12:51 pm

        We got last year, so this year it will be other family side to enjoy grand kids.  Muffin top the chicken is allowed in the house, she watches tv with the grand daughter for a bit then goes back out side. no kidding

      • jen-cueva

        November 1, 2022 at 12:55 pm

        OMG, that’s too funny, @erikborn! I love that Muffin Top chills and watching TV with your granddaughter. I know it sounds strange here in San Diego, but I moved from Texas and can see that in many places. LOL

        Oh yeah, the shared game. Our daughter and “son-in-love” will be here for a week this year for Christmas. However, we had them last year for both holidays because her MIL often travels during the holidays. We have only a grandpup so far, but I’m sure it will be much harder to share when we do have a grandkid.

        Thanks for sharing so much of your life joys with us.

      • jen-cueva

        March 1, 2023 at 1:42 pm

        Hi @erikborn, how are you doing this week? I bet those grandkids are keeping you hopping, hehe.

        How’s Muffin Top? I still laugh when I think about that pet chicken.

      • Colleen

        November 1, 2022 at 9:38 pm

        @erikborn your grandchildren are so lucky to have a grandpa like you!

        “Muffin Top”…what a great name for a chicken! LOL!

  • Matt P Obrien

    October 31, 2022 at 1:40 am

    Wellness as of I mean is a lifestyle of healthy, real food and exercise.

    • jen-cueva

      October 31, 2022 at 1:37 pm

      Hi @mattpobrien, that’s incredible. Eating healthy, real food and exercising are important to overall wellness. What types of exercise do you participate in? I did my lightweight upper body and lower exercises earlier.

      What are your favorite recipes or meals? Do you have any simple yet healthy meals you can share in our Diet and Nutrition sub-forum? Here’s a link where you are welcome to post some topics of shortcuts, recipes, shopping lists, pantry stables, etc. We would love to learn from you.

      Diet and Nutrition

      Thanks for your thoughts on this topic.

    • Colleen

      November 1, 2022 at 9:20 pm

      @mattpobrien that sounds like a strong definition of wellness to me…one that personally I could do so much better at. I hope you will check out the forum topic link that @jenc suggested and feel free to share any tips you might have with others.

    • jen-cueva

      March 1, 2023 at 1:44 pm

      Hi @mattpobrien, I wanted to check in and see how things are going for you this week. I haven’t seen any more updates. How are you feeling?

      What type of exercise have you been doing this new year?

  • brenda-denzler

    November 1, 2022 at 1:49 pm

    Soooo…… You can be “well” without being healthy? This is a new thought to me. I’m going to have to consider this one before I attempt an answer.

    • Colleen

      November 1, 2022 at 9:34 pm

      @brendad53 wellness can encompass many things besides health for example: emotional, physical, social, spiritual, environmental, financial, intellectual and occupational wellness. It could also be a focus on physical fitness, happiness, relaxation, emotional balance, stress reduction, quality of life and spiritual health. All of this is just to name a few. Reflect on it and let us know what comes to mind.

  • Carol King

    November 8, 2022 at 11:42 am

    Wellness to me is my whole life. My body is aging, I’m 85, but there are parts of me that still want to d things that my body says no to. I think if my mind is still active, I can read, play games with friends and rake are of my self, I am well. Yes there are days when breathing is not as good as others, I am up set when I cannot quickly recall the name of a friend, or things do not go as I always have been able to do them, but I have so much help close by I just say Thank You Lord.
    I moved into an apartment last July so that I would be close to family and have activities with others close to my age. I try to eat healthy, and get out a bit every day. On days that I an light headed or not steady on my feet, I take every precaution I have available The oxygen goes in my buggy, the life alert around my neck , and away I go down the hall to visit, play cards or attend other activities.
    Wellness is keeping you mind alert as possible, your soul at peace with God and your neighbor and your body as comfortable as possible.
    Count your Blessings and Love your neighbor as your self.

  • jen-cueva

    November 8, 2022 at 3:37 pm

    Hi @carol-king, so happy to see you share an update. I must say I admire you and your thoughts on wellness. You are correct; it is about all mind, body, and soul.

    It sounds like moving into your apartment is perfect for you. Playing cards and chatting with the other neighbors must also keep your mind active. It also sounds like you are doing many things for self care. Kudos to you, and at the age 85, we can learn from you, my PHriend.

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