Pulmonary Hypertension News Forums Forums Support Groups PH and Co-Existing Conditions How do you treat severe headaches or migraines?

  • Brittany Foster

    February 13, 2020 at 11:56 am

    @colleensteele it definitely was scary. I feel like when things happen now I start to think more along the lines of “is this heart related” but when I was younger I never thought of the worst case scenario, it was always something like “maybe I’m just dehydrated, or maybe I just need sugar or something to eat” . Never , “maybe my brain isn’t getting enough bloodflow and that’s why I am passing out” . But now that I KNOW these things, I tend to think about them more. Definitely a source of anxiety when you start to actually KNOW what is truly going on and aren’t naive to it anymore.

  • Brittany Foster

    February 13, 2020 at 11:59 am

    @colleensteele I know a lot of people with autonomic dysfunction who are on it for things like dizziness with standing, light headed, low blood pressure, fluctuations in BP, etc

  • Colleen

    February 13, 2020 at 1:00 pm

    @brittany-foster very true! When I look back on what my son dealt with on a daily basis I think issues with his heart was the most scary for him. Difficulty breathing is of course awful, but there was a more intense look of panic he would get in his eyes when he experience chest pains and other heart related issues.

    PH and anxiety really do like to hold hands, don’t they?

  • Denise K Thompson

    February 13, 2020 at 5:02 pm

    After a lifetime of chronic migraines, now that I don’t have estrogen to blame for them, I get my relief from butalbital, with or without codiene. I live in the dark. F lux is a good hint. My tv has a soft screen light mode that helps. Butalbital is generic for fioricet. A mild barbituate, caffiene & tylenol. Of course phenergan & sometimes flexeril helps, but resp depression is always a concern. I think hypoxia is my current cause, often waking with migraine or tention that turns to migraine.

  • Brittany Foster

    February 14, 2020 at 10:18 am


    Do you find that you are waking up with the migraines or headaches and that they gradually get better through the day or is it just something that keeps getting worse and worse through the day? When I had trouble with sleep apnea the migraines were a lot worse in the beginning of the day but wearing the bipap seemed to help with that. Also, boosting my oxygen up really does help with the migraines and headaches. I think oxygen is helpful for headaches even with the average person that doesn’t have hypoxia. Some people go to oxygen bars and they seem to restore their energy and some of their physical symptoms get better. I definitely see the effects from it and the revitalizing effect.

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