How To Get Listed for Transplant / 2nd Opinion
This topic was inspired by a recent forum conversation about how to get a 2nd opinion if one facility has declared you ineligible for transplant. I wasn’t sure so I researched and the best information I can give you is to reach out to another transplant center directly. The following information is useful for anyone seeking a transplant, whether looking into it for the first time or hoping for a 2nd opinion.
Here is a website that is easy to use. Simply put in your state and the transplant that you need and it will provide a list of choices. https://www.srtr.org/
What makes someone ineligible for transplant? Here is an article that provides information to give you an idea of how you will be evaluated. https://www.sharecare.com/health/organ-transplants-and-health-care/can-denied-organ-transplant
Here is a brief explanation of the process of getting listed for transplant. https://transplantliving.org/before-the-transplant/about-organ-allocation/getting-on-the-list/
Someone expressed a concern about how doctors feel when you ask for a 2nd opinion. In many of the articles that I have read on the topic one of the things they mention is that if a doctor does not support you getting a 2nd opinion then they are probably someone you don’t want treating you in the first place. That is something to think about.
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