For years I was told to watch my sodium , then the last 3 years or so, I was told I had kidney failure as well. I also was rushed to the hospital back then and found out I actually have issues with LOW sodium which is very scary. Since then, I’m like what you said, Kathleen, I was told to eat what I want, pretty much. ( please note, low sodium is pretty rare in PHers, so please don’t go eating lots of extra sodium after you read this ).
I like to make sheet pan meals, I often use chicken breast , and either broccoli or other veggies and often a red, white, or sweet potato. I like to top the chicken breast with a little hummus( spicy or garlic are my faves ) , then a few panko crumbs, cut the veggies about the same size , drizzle all with olive or coconut oil, salt( or salt substitute) , pepper and garlic. I use a foil lined sheet pain for easy clean up, bake about 25-40 mins depending on the thickness of your chicken. These are easy, I often use salmon, and a variety of veggies as this is simple and I often buy precut veggies or cut them myself earlier in the day . I like simple steps and short cut cooking.