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  • Jo Ann white

    January 31, 2020 at 1:50 pm

    Oxygen company was thrilled I did not have a gas stove. Said they had a customer who was severely burned when the flame from the burner melted her oxygen tube and caused a bad fire while she was cooking. Why signs on home concentrators say no smoking too. Why putting cannula on from the back of my head when baking was such a great idea. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a book for oxygen users that told us these things? Even the supposedly high capacity inogen type machines don’t really produce above 3 liters whatever the numbers. Plus, if you set them on five they are very noisy and last for a very short time. They are good only for people who need only a bit more oxygen and for those people they work very well.

  • Jo Ann white

    January 31, 2020 at 1:53 pm

    I use my oxygen tank on wheels when I have a party so people don’t trip over the tubing. Especially with a lot of people after a couple of drinks!

  • Jo Ann white

    January 31, 2020 at 3:57 pm

    The bonsai regulator fits on top of the oxygen tank. You can adjust it to provide anywhere from 1 to 6 liters only when you breathe in through your nose, which means it makes the tank last a lot longer. You also need to remember to breathe in through your nose when talking or eating…or having your teeth cleaned, as my hygienist reminded me! I use it on d tanks which are small and easy for me to lift. I carry them in a case or on a wheeled cart and always take two tanks with me in case I get stuck in a traffic jam or something takes longer than anticipated. I have two regulators so I can switch tanks easily and usually use the one in the case in the car and a supermarket cart and the one on wheels for doctors appointments, eating out, going to the theater (accessible seats) and into big box stores. On 5-6 liters, depending on activity level, one tank lasts me up to 4 hours.

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