• Study Finds Tracleer Cost-Effective

    Posted by Kathleen Sheffer on January 18, 2019 at 5:24 pm

    researcher holding x-ray

    A study published in November found that Tracleer (bosentan) may be more cost-effective than epoprostenol medications or palliative care, but less cost-effective than Revatio (sildenafil) and other endothelin receptor antagonists (ERA’s).

    How many of you are on Tracleer? How did you decide to start this treatment? Did your insurance have any influence on the decision?

    I was on Tracleer many years ago and found that it magnified my side-effects without having a significant impact on my pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). I didn’t have any luck with other ERA’s I tried either. The very expensive epoprostenol infusions and later Revatio helped me most.

    Frankly, it makes me uncomfortable to see cost-effective studies. What do you think of this concept? As a patient, I’m only interested in the medications’ objective efficacy. But that comes from a place of privilege with insurance that covers the majority of my medication costs. In other countries where access to treatments is limited, cost may play a role in patients’ decisions.

    Does the cost of different treatments affect you? How so?

    Kathleen Sheffer replied 5 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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