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  • What do you eat when nothing sounds good?

    Posted by Kathleen Sheffer on June 26, 2018 at 12:35 am

    Okay, maybe this is just a ME problem, and not a PH problem, but sometimes NOTHING sounds good to eat. Logically I know I need to eat, and sometimes I’m even hungry. But every food option makes me gag.

    When I had PH my symptoms of nausea were worst in the morning. As a result, I hated all breakfast foods. Cold pizza always sounded better for breakfast than pancakes did.

    It took 17 years for me to get to a weight my doctors were comfortable with. For a long time I hovered below 60 pounds, dietitians throwing their hands up and suggesting I drench popcorn in butter and drink ice cream shakes for calories (my cardiologist was not pleased). So, having frequent episodes when I didn’t want to eat anything was not ideal.

    Usually the problem dissipates if I just eat SOMETHING. Once I get over the first bout of nausea I can keep eating. When I was young, my mom would make my favorite meal — risotto —something I couldn’t resist, to get me to eat something. Now that I live on my own and have to make my own food, I try to have snacks I enjoy on hand that don’t require preparation. I’d rather starve than prepare food when every food option makes me gag.

    Do you ever feel like I do? What strategies have you found to solve the problem?

    jen-cueva replied 1 month, 1 week ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • jen-cueva

    November 16, 2018 at 2:57 pm

    I know this was awhile back, but I , too gave this issue quite often! It see,s to come and go and I was never a breakfast person before either and still not my fave, lol

    I tend to eat fruit , crackers, and Gatorade when I don’t feel like eating, I’ve also eaten a lot of soup, with lots of veggies and smoothies or juices.

    I’ve been better this past year as my ductir tells me every visit that I must eat something 3 day, I tell her coffee or juice and pills is usually my breakfast, lol 😂

    You are definitely not alone! Since you posted, how are things ? I know you have roommates, do they cook ? I would think if they are cooking and eating maybe something they eat may entice you to eat, lol

    • Brittany Foster

      November 16, 2018 at 3:54 pm

      I always have the problem of not eating what i cook! Not that my cooking isn’t delicious lol, I just always eat more of what other people make or have. Even at restaurants it’s the idea that other people’s food always tastes better than mine hahaha! But I totally have days like this too and tend to stick to smaller meals on days like this like calorie dense protein bars, smoothies (like what you said Jen) and granola cereal because it has more calories in it. On my days when I don’t feel well it’s usually a struggle for me to eat!

  • jen-cueva

    December 20, 2024 at 7:37 am

    Although this is an old topic, I wanted to bring it back for discussion. I continue to suffer from nausea and a poor appetite at times. Some days, I can talk about food all day, and nothing sounds good. However, I enjoy cooking for Manny and Kayla when she’s here. But often, I don’t eat the food I cook, or I may only take a few bites.

    Occasionally, I crave a particular food, but I don’t eat much of it once we make it or Manny gets it for me. One meal from a restaurant can easily make three meals for me and leave me with leftovers. But on days when I do feel like eating and can enjoy it, I stuff my face. LOL.

    I’m at one of my lowest weights, and my healthcare team isn’t happy about it.🙈 I try to eat at least twice a day, but I eat on a toddler’s plate. One week before Thanksgiving, I craved broccoli rice casserole. I made it and ate some for three days until I grew tired of it.

    Do you struggle with the “nothing sounds good” and what do you eat or drink when this occurs?

  • Karen Endelman

    December 20, 2024 at 2:33 pm

    I’ve had problems all year because of the side effects of new meds I’m on. I used to love fish and veggies but lost my desire for any of that. I went the whole summer not eating salad. I was completely off eggs but could manage some cereal. The one thing I could eat was fruit so I had plenty of that. I could eat some pasta – though not much at a time – and eventually started added vegetables to it so I could get some nutrients. I have, in the past month, started forcing myself to eat healthy foods. I find as along as I don’t eat too much at a time, I don’t have as much nausea. It’s also timing. I tend to have my bouts of nausea and other fun side effects around 5:00 and it sometimes last 3 hours. So I make sure I have a decent lunch and then a light dinner around 8:30. It’s not ideal but it’s got me back to maintaining my weight and eating better.

    • jen-cueva

      January 3, 2025 at 4:03 pm

      Hi @Karen Endelman , I’m sorry to hear that you, too, struggle with nausea and eating. It’s strange because everyone knows I love eating and enjoying good food with my family and friends. I also enjoy cooking when I have the energy.

      Most days, I can eat crackers and cheese, as well as fruits and vegetables, most often. However, usually, I have to add them to smoothies and/or soups to get enough nutrients.

      It sounds like you found a plan that helps you with decreasing nausea. I hope that continues to work and you can add in other foods. Do what works best for you and m, maintaining a healthy weight is important when managing PH. Thanks for sharing your experience and what you’ve found helpful for you.

      How’s your New Year going, my PHriend?

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