What do you eat when nothing sounds good?
Okay, maybe this is just a ME problem, and not a PH problem, but sometimes NOTHING sounds good to eat. Logically I know I need to eat, and sometimes I’m even hungry. But every food option makes me gag.
When I had PH my symptoms of nausea were worst in the morning. As a result, I hated all breakfast foods. Cold pizza always sounded better for breakfast than pancakes did.
It took 17 years for me to get to a weight my doctors were comfortable with. For a long time I hovered below 60 pounds, dietitians throwing their hands up and suggesting I drench popcorn in butter and drink ice cream shakes for calories (my cardiologist was not pleased). So, having frequent episodes when I didn’t want to eat anything was not ideal.
Usually the problem dissipates if I just eat SOMETHING. Once I get over the first bout of nausea I can keep eating. When I was young, my mom would make my favorite meal — risotto —something I couldn’t resist, to get me to eat something. Now that I live on my own and have to make my own food, I try to have snacks I enjoy on hand that don’t require preparation. I’d rather starve than prepare food when every food option makes me gag.
Do you ever feel like I do? What strategies have you found to solve the problem?
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