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  • What Good Advice Were You Given That You Wish You Listened To

    Posted by Colleen on April 17, 2020 at 3:53 pm

    Some people really love to give advice whether you ask for it or not. How frustrating is it when down the road you realize that you should have listened?

    What is the best advice you were given that you did not take? Was it medical, emotional or general life advice that you wish you had listened to? What difference would it have made for you today if you had heeded the advice?

    I was always a worrier and my dad would practically beg me to stop sweating the small stuff. That is actually a book by the way, “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” by Richard Carlson. It’s a good read but in my mind my dad came up with the concept first.

    Unfortunately it took my son getting sick to discover the emotional and mental value of not sweating the small stuff. I often wonder how much more I would have enjoyed certain moments in my life if I hadn’t stressed over minor things. What about you?

    jen-cueva replied 4 years ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • jen-cueva

    April 18, 2020 at 6:37 pm

    @colleensteele, I’m also a worrier. I worry about everyone and everything. I’m working on this and have made some progress.

    You share a valuable yet familiar statement. Working in hospice care before PH, I thought that I lived that motto. ” Don’t sweat the small stuff ” is how I felt I was living. My version of ” stop and smell the roses” was brought more to life after my PH diagnosis. I can still work on this. It doesn’t happen overnight for me.

    For you, was it once your son was awaiting transplant or his actual PH diagnosis? Do you think you changed this mindset in a short period or still working at this?

    I think there are so many things that I feel I should have listened to. This is a tough one; let me think about this some more.

  • Cris Dingman

    April 21, 2020 at 10:36 am

    I, too, am a born worrier! My family says that if I had nothing to worry about, I would worry about NOT worrying! It’s not serious, more of a “hobby” if you know what I mean!

  • Colleen

    April 21, 2020 at 2:24 pm

    Yeah, that is me too @crisincincy. I always say it takes all kinds to run the world, including us worriers.

    @jenc my worrying became more limited to the serious things when my don was diagnosed with PH. I think it’s human nature to worry about small concerns. To a point I even think it’s therapeutic to distract ourselves with small matters sometimes. When it becomes unhealthy for me is when I worry about things that aren’t even my concern.

    Cullen is actually the calm one who often reminds me to calm down. He can always tell when my troubled thoughts start taking over. I do think I have gotten better because of my experience with PH and transplant. It actually surprised me the first time I thought to myself, “Who cares about that – this is more important!”.

  • jen-cueva

    April 21, 2020 at 2:41 pm

    @crisincincy, I am also a born worrier that I tend to say that is inherited from my Mom-hehe.

    @colleensteele, I do think that what we go through can change our mindset as far as worrying goes. It is funny that you say that Cullen is your calm. Although I am the mom and PH patient, at the hospital, my daughter is my calm. Ironically, I am currently writing about changes related to PH.

    I tend to worry about the more significant issues more, too. I think some come with age for me and others due to PH.

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