Pulmonary Hypertension News Forums Forums Life Challenges Mental Health What other ways can you do to cheer up the lonely?

  • What other ways can you do to cheer up the lonely?

    Posted by jen-cueva on July 7, 2023 at 10:48 am

    PH often leaves us isolated and forgotten. But National Cheer Up The Lonely Day (July 11th) allows us to lift others.

    We can step up and help each other out of that loneliness slump, just like we wish someone would do for us. We know how tough it can be when isolation becomes too much to bear.

    Think about what perks up your day, and try spreading the love! Below are some of my favorites to get you started.

    *Text a friend who you know is having a difficult time.
    *Call someone who is a shut-in
    *Coffee dates either in person or virtual
    *Send a handwritten card.
    *Go for a visit if close enough

    What other ways can you do to cheer up the lonely? Let’s spread the love and kindness.

    jen-cueva replied 1 year ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Colleen

    July 7, 2023 at 12:04 pm

    @jenc I love this topic!

    I make an attempt to be kind and friendly everywhere I go, especially when running errands. I know from personal experience how hard grocery shopping and other errands can be when you are feeling down.

    It’s just a reminder that you never know what someone might be going through. That customer walking slowly and a bit dazed throughout the store might have just been diagnosed with someone or grieving a loved one.

    Smile at people, take a moment to offer a stranger help if it’s obvious they can’t find something, when there is an opportunity to compliment do so, but be genuine. Little things like this can make such a big difference to someone feeling lost in the world.

    @jenc I think you just gave me a column topic idea. LOL!

    • jen-cueva

      July 7, 2023 at 3:09 pm

      Hi @colleensteele, you don’t need to be kind to others this day. I know that’s just in your blood. But I appreciate you sharing how the smallest things can make a difference.

      You are right; we never know what others are dealing with. I talk to everyone, so it’s easy for me to compliment someone’s outfit, smile, or say hello and offer a smile.

      We all know the smallest acts of kindness can cheer us up on bad days. I look forward to reading this column, @colleensteele.

  • Carol Volckmann

    July 11, 2023 at 6:14 pm

    Great topic Jen and great ideas Colleen. A warm smile, may I help you, a phone call to check in just to say hello, a written note of support or funny. All these things when I have been the recipient have made my day brighter it also makes me smile when I send 😊 the feelings out to someone else. Whenever I am down I will put out there a smile, a call and that cheers me up too. Thanks 😊

    • jen-cueva

      July 13, 2023 at 1:37 pm

      Excellent ideas, @cdvol3gmail-com. I’ve been horrible with this lately. I will catch up from our Texas heat soon and get back in gear. I always try to stay organized and on a schedule somewhat, but it’s gone “offline” lately. Hehe.

      I agree that a warm smile or a random text, call, or email helps brighten others’ days. 😉

      Thanks for sharing and adding what you experience when you are the sender or receiver of these acts of kindness. ☺️

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