Pulmonary Hypertension News Forums › Forums › Life Challenges › Mental Health › What’s one thing you can let go of today?
Tagged: 100% ready, being productive, letting go, other's approval
What’s one thing you can let go of today?
Posted by jen-cueva on January 17, 2024 at 2:20 pmWe all know the famous words from Disney’s Frozen. In daily life, we can benefit our health by letting go of things like seeking approval or being productive all the time. Another thing to release is the idea of being 100% ready. (these are a few I can think of and need to let go of.)
Can you let go of something today? Let’s encourage each other and sing, “Let it go…”
jen-cueva replied 1 month, 4 weeks ago 7 Members · 19 Replies -
19 Replies
Hi @JT, would you care to elaborate a bit more on this? Is this mostly related to PH or your relationships in general?
It’s often a challenge to communicate our emotions, but for me, the first step is acknowledging our feelings and allowing ourselves to feel each emotion. Sometimes, this means sleeping on it or waiting until we are in a better headspace.
I like the answer “trying to be understood”. I have struggled with this issue many times, and hope I can truly “let it go”. Whether it’s having to stop because of shortness of breath, just taking a day off from tasks/projects, stopping to rest during tasks, or feeling guilty for riding the elec cart in the store, I know why and I want to let go of worrying about what others think.
Hi, @DeLois Tweedy; yes, letting go of what others think is something I continue to struggle with, too. However, I’m finding that age helps. But it’s always something I need to work on.
It seems like you are feeling guilty, as we often do. That, too, is a constant battle. Just last night I was exhausted so I didn’t make dinner. My thoughtful hubby was pleased and went to pick up something we could eat. I apologized so much and felt guilty. But we both agreed the plan worked, and there were no dishes to wash either. So, the short version is to do what works best for you. Some days, that may mean no cleaning or cooking, etc. Be OK with that.
We can work on this together this year! 🤗
Hi @DeLois Tweedy -how are things with you and your hubby? 🤗I thought of you as I read the” letting go” post. Are there things you can “let go of ” this holiday season?
Do you have any big plans?
lol, it was icy this morning, and overcast and cold so my RA is not happy. Therefore, I woke up and promptly let go of any productive plans for today! I will channel Scarlet O’Hara and say that tomorrow is another day. (Keeping with the movie theme).
Hehe, @Cris Dingman, I LOVE this! My theme was letting go of being productive yesterday, as it was a wet and messy day in San Diego. In your honor, I’m going to borrow your movie theme.
Today, I let go of not going to the grocery store. By the end of the month, I’ll be good at this “letting go” stuff. Hehe.
Hi @Cris Dingman , how have you been? What things can you” let go” of this holiday season? How’s the weather in your area?
Have you been watching any new movies and stayin gh cozy this season?
This is an older post, but it speaks to me as this is a busy season with many expectations. What can you let go of when the world is rushed as the hustle and bustle of the holidays?
I am letting go of needing to “do” many holiday activities. Also, I am working on letting go of how others have set their expectations of me. So, let’s talk about this.
@Jen C when Brian became ill I let go of a lot of things that caused holiday stress and I haven’t brought them back. I keep it simple with some light holiday decorating, gifts for a few and just enjoy the good feels the season brings when you aren’t stressing about it!
@Colleen , you know, I have noticed after my horrible time with COVID that first year, I, too, had let so many things go. I can somewhat relate, but like you, I like the decor, music, food, and most importantly, who I share the season with. It’s truly the simple things in life. I think we all have learned to let go of something during the holiday season while managing PH.
How about our caregivers of kids with PH? How do you manage, and are there things you can let go of this holiday season?
Hi @Col , what about you? How are things going? Are you still seeing your therapist?
How about you, @Jill Upshaw , @Debbie Moore , @carol-volckmann , @Carol alexander , @Aunt Lizzie , and @Dawn ?
Are there things you’ve found you can “let go” of this holiday season? I’m thinking of you and sending you extra love, hugs, and prayers. 🤗
Hi Jen, I’m still here and last week got a new Pacemaker for my 80+ birthday. Yeah! But I’d like to share something. I was raised by various relatives after I lost both my parents to cancer and tetanus before I was 12. It was drummed into me “what would people think” if I did this or that. Consequently I was very shy. Until at age 26 I suddenly thought, “I don’t care what people think.” and my life began. That was my Letting Go moment. Of course I do care what people think, but in a more considered way. Thinking of you all as we approach this Festive Season. Cheers & Hugs. P.S. We are expecting around 40 degrees C tomorrow ! 🤪
@Aunt Lizzie you just gave us a lot to take in! I hope the pacemaker is helping. Have you noticed a difference with it?
I can’t imagine what you went through losing both of your parents when you were so young. For what it’s worth, what I think of you is that you are good and loving person who has not allowed loss or poor health keep you from being anything less. -
Hi @Aunt Lizzie , Congrats on the pacemaker but more importantly, the celebration of a huge milestone, your 80th birthday!
Also, how difficult that must have been for you to lose not one but both parents at such a young and impactful age. But being shy, zI can relate to as a kid. My shyness wore off about a year or two into my PH jouney, I think.
We appreciate you sharing such vulnerable information with us. It says so much more about you and how kind you are. But also you keep PHighting despite what comes your way!
Happy holidays and many cheers and joy this season!
Thank you @jen-cueva for bringing “letting go” up on the table. I have given myself permission to let go of feeling we must get all the decorations out, we must go to all the festivities our neighbors have invited us to … we will put out a few festive decorations and will spend some time with close friends- arrive early and home to bed early. Dick feels the the same way.
We wish everyone a joyful season and wish you and your loved ones are filled with love and peace. A New Year just around the corner – let it be filled with Hope and carry through the year of letting it go…. whatever it means to you.
Hi sweet PHriend, @carol-volckmann , it sounds like you are “letting go” of some of the same things I am doing this year.
However, Manny keeps reminding me not to push myself. I’m working, starting this evening, on baking a few goodies to make small trays for my neighbors, a few, and two of my doctor’s offices since they are local. One for my lab folks, too. So please send all of your candy-making and baking magic my way. LOL.
Wishing you, Dick, and Cloud a Merry Christmas and cheers for the new year ahead of us! Let’s keep helping each other as we manage PH and the different issues that come our way. Extra gentle love and hugs, along with joy and peace this holiday season are coming your way!🎄
Thank you Jen @jen-cueva for all your sweet warm hugs. Chocolate Sauce is coming your way with a little punch to it!<div>
Love you Jen, please do listen to Manny and I will listen to Dick! 😊❤️🥫🍹🌞🌈
Haha, @carol-volckmann, last night, after he cleaned the kitchen, IO suggested I may have enough “spoons” to make one more cookie batch. He said, “kitchen closed,” and then kindly reminded me of how exhausted I looked, and it was 8 pm. Last night, I listened. Now, I am not so sure about the next few days. 🙃
Hugs and yummy spiked chocolate sauce would really do me in. I hope you both enjoy some peace and rest this holiday season. May they also listen to us, hehe. 🤗
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