PAH Related Heart Dysfunction, Fibrosis May be Thwarted by Controlling Collagen Turnover

A new study from investigators in WisconsinĀ suggests that treatments reducing the productionĀ and breakdown of collagen may be used as therapies forĀ pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH).
The research reportĀ “Limiting collagen turnover via collagenaseāresistance attenuates right ventricular dysfunction and fibrosis in pulmonary arterial hypertension,” was publishedĀ in the online journal Physiological Reports.
Simply, PAH is high blood pressure of the lungs. The conditionĀ worsens over time and is potentiallyĀ fatal. Problems occur because too much pressure in the lung arteries strain the right heart ventricle – which leads to heart failure.
Although PAH currently has no cure, several medicationsĀ including vasodilators canĀ control symptoms including – but theĀ treatments do not halt the progression of the disease.
Collagen deposits may occur in PAH due to scarring, but how it affects the heart’s right ventricle is not clear.
StudyĀ researchers, led by Mark J. Golob of the Department of Biomedical Engineering,Ā University of WisconsināMadison College of Engineering, soughtĀ to understand how the synthesis and breakdown of collagen influences the heart’s right ventrical performance in people with PAH.
The scientists created genetically-modified mice, in which collagen is not easilyĀ degraded, and compared them to normal mice. They then deprived both sets of animals of oxygen, to experimentally induce PAH. Overall, the mice that did not have high collagen turnover had better heart function, and less degeneration of the right ventricle.
Researcher reported: “The preservation of cardiac function in the mutant mice indicates a beneficial role of limited collagen turnover via impaired degradation in (right ventricle) remodeling in response to chronic pressure overload.”
The studyĀ concluded that treatments that specifically block collagen turnover could potentially be used as therapies forĀ PAH – Ā but further research isĀ needed toĀ first identify collagen-blocking agents, andĀ then to test the agents forĀ safe and effective treatment in humans.