UK Adults With PH Urged to Assess Self-help Program for Anxiety

Joana Carvalho, PhD avatar

by Joana Carvalho, PhD |

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self-help for anxiety

The Pulmonary Hypertension Association U.K. (PHA UK), a charity organization dedicated to supporting those with pulmonary hypertension (PH), is urging adults with PH to participate in a research study assessing the usefulness of a self-help program to manage anxiety.

By participating in the study patients will have access to a program that is designed specifically to identify signs of anxiety, which is estimated to affect about 50% of those with PH, and will provide them with skills and insights needed to overcome it.

According to PHA UK, by testing the program’s effectiveness and value, patients will have the chance to help not only themselves overcome anxiety, but also others by furthering plans to one day make the program available to all.

“I’m really excited to hear just how beneficial it has been for those who have taken part so far. Because it’s already been so positive we are now able to widen the scope of people who can take part in this research,” Iain Armstrong, chair of PHA UK, said in a press release.

“I would encourage you to consider taking part in this research study, it’s important for now and the future, your involvement will make a difference,” Armstrong added.

Patients participating in the new research study, which will be carried out by psychology researchers at the University of Sheffield in the U.K., will be divided in two groups: an intervention group that will be asked to complete a series of interactive workbooks based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT); and a second group in which participants will receive the intervention at a later time.

These interactive workbooks, which have been reviewed previously by a group of people with PH, contain information about anxiety, PH, and how the two interact and influence each other. They also contain information about a range of different skills and techniques patients may use to better cope with their anxiety symptoms.

Those assigned to the intervention group will be asked to complete four interactive workbooks over a period of four weeks. They may do so at their own pace from the comfort of their own homes.

Patients will be asked to complete a short online questionnaire at the beginning, end, and in the middle of this four-week period to determine the program’s effectiveness.

The program is currently open to PH patients 18 and older who have a confirmed PH diagnosis, and who can read and write English. Those wishing to participate must answer a series of questions before applying.

Any doubts or questions about the study should be direct to Gregg Rawlings, PhD, the study’s lead researcher, by email at [email protected].

Those not meeting the criteria to enroll in the study, but who are currently trying to manage their anxiety, also may reach out to PHA UK by email at [email protected] to obtain information about other support programs that might be available to them.