The Story Behind the PHenomenal Hope 5K Run/Walk

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by Wendy Henderson |

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The Team Hope PHenomenal 5K Run/Walk is an annual event held in Pittsburgh, PA. It was established to raise the profile of the disease, support the local pulmonary hypertension community and raise much-needed funds for research. The event took place on Saturday, April 2 at Heinz Field Stadium.

MORE: Three travel considerations if you have a lung disease. 

In this video from Team Phenomenal Hope, Julia Feitner, a PH patient and the driving force behind the initiative, explains where the idea came from. Even though Feitner couldn’t participate in her current condition, she knew that an athletic event was a good way to raise the profile of pulmonary hypertension.


In this Team Hope PHenomenal video, Julia Feitner talks about the difficulties involved in organizing the event. She explains that it takes around six months of preparation each year and being able to connect pulmonary hypertension patients motivates her to keep going.

MORE: Why pulmonary hypertension patients are often invisible patients. 

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