Remembering Patient Columnist and Friend, Rebecca Lidenberg

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by Kathleen Sheffer |

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The Pulmonary Hypertension News team and entire PH community mourns the loss of Rebecca Lidenberg who passed away suddenly on Monday.


Rebecca beat childhood cancer before being diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension in 2015. Her PH News column, “PHancy Free,” resonated with readers around the world. A year ago, she wrote this post in remembrance of a fellow PH warrior. “My vow today is to live for Drea. To carry her memory wherever I go,” she wrote. 

Loss is hard. Grief is hard. Life itself is sometimes hard, too. Be sure to tell those important people in your life how much they mean to you. Tell them you love them — often. Do the things you’re scared to do. Love hard. Be bold. Live big.


Rebecca leaves behind her mother and father, sisters Liz and Annie, doting husband, Matt, and beloved cat, Oscar. A fundraising page has been created to help cover the cost of funeral expenses.

Rebecca was a compassionate friend and talented writer. She lived big. We are grateful that she shared her words and her spirit with us.