PHA Prepares to Kick Off Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month in November

November has been designated Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month by the Pulmonary Hypertension Association, and the organization is already planning on initiatives throughout the month and beyond to help support research, fundraising, advocacy, and awareness about pulmonary hypertension (PH). PH Awareness Month, which will be hosted by the association, will include activities…

An Update on Scleroderma-Related PAH

While it is commonly accepted that patients with scleroderma are at a higher risk for contracting pulmonary hypertension, the field has progressed immensely since the first hypothesis was tested in the laboratory. “Recent Advances in Scleroderma-associated Pulmonary Hypertension,” published in…

PH Patient Hemodynamics Unaffected By Noninvasive Ventilation

A recent study conducted in Brazil suggests noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (CPAP) does not contribute to ventilation-related complications in pulmonary hypertension patients. These results are encouraging, as there had been previous reports demonstrating that mechanical ventilation of patients with pulmonary hypertension results in unfavorable hemodynamic effects. Until this study,”…

PAH Combination Therapy Lowers Hospitalization Rate & Worsening PAH in New study

The results from the randomized controlled AMBITION study to determine the efficacy of treating patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) with a combination of ambrisentan/tadalafil, when compared to ambrisenan or taladafil as monotherapies, were presented at this year’s European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress. Combination therapies are a form…

Researchers Determine eRAP As Viable PAH Prognosticator

A new study on pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) entitled “Echocardiographic Assessment of Estimated Right Atrial Pressure and Size Predicts Mortality in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension” was published in Chest by Dr. Christopher Austin, part of Dr. Brian Shapiro’s group from Division of Cardiovascular Disease at the…

Researchers Gain New Insights Into Heritable PAH

Scientists continue to research the various environmental and lifestyle risk factors associated with PAH. Now, new research is revealing additional clues into how a person’s own genetics can predispose them to developing the disease. A recent review entitled “Genetics of pulmonary hypertension” published in November issue…

A Conversation With Rare Disease Advocates