Bionews Staff,  writers and editors—

Bionews, the owner and publisher of this site, employs science writers and editors, most of whom have PhDs in the life sciences, as well as veteran journalists, who ensure stories are well-written and easy to understand. Our stories undergo a comprehensive fact-checking and editing process to confirm accuracy, objectiveness, and thoroughness in order to best serve our audience of patients and caregivers.

Articles by Bionews Staff

Bringing passion, advances, and hope to the PAH community

Samuele Butera photographed in September. (All photos courtesy of Samuele Butera) This is Samuele Butera’s story: Alexis. Gerry. Chelsea. Sophia. Dori. These are some of the amazing advocates living with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) whom I’ve been privileged to know in my position leading the pulmonary…

Let’s get PHysical: How I stay active in life with PH

Cindy Moser, left, and her son, Sam Kelly, at a skate-a-thon fundraiser in May 2019. They did this one together. (Photos courtesy of Cindy Moser) This is Cindy Moser’s story: I will exercise here, I will exercise there, I will exercise anywhere — even in the hospital! One…

A tribute to our late miracle child, Becca

Our beautiful young lady, Becca, on Easter 2016, age 24. (Photos courtesy of Chris Atherton) This is Chris Atherton’s story: Becca, our beautiful daughter, was born in 1992. Initially, we cared for her while her birth parents made decisions about her future. Eventually, they relinquished their rights, and Becca…

Pondering a reason, a season, and a lifetime after my PH diagnosis

Kristine Green and her son, Oliver, travel to see her PH specialist in September. (Photos courtesy of Kristine Green) This is Kristine Green’s story: Looking out the large window of my ninth-floor hospital room, I suddenly realized things were serious. For some reason, the hospitalizations, countless procedures, ICU stays,…

Even with PH, I’ve finally been able to fulfill my dreams

Stacey McCarthy was diagnosed in 2019 with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension. (Photos courtesy of Stacey McCarthy) This is Stacey McCarthy’s story: Hello, everyone. My name is Stacey, and I am honored and humbled to share my journey of living with pulmonary hypertension (PH) with you. In 2009, I…

My motto for living: Today, I will choose joy

DeLois Tweety and her husband, John, head home after a hospitalization. (Photos courtesy of Delois Tweety) This is DeLois Tweety’s story: My story began in 1977. I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and was treated with high doses of radiation to my neck, chest, and abdomen. Later, I…

Tribe of PHighters run through three generations of a family

The Brunker family. (Photos courtesy of Amanda Brunker) This is Amanda Brunker’s story: Our family’s experience with pulmonary arterial hypertension runs deep. I’m writing as a spouse, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, and mother of a PAH tribe member. The story starts with Donna, diagnosed in the early ’90s when little…

Our family reaches for milestones despite a PAH gene mutation

Kyleen Gonzales and her husband Bryan Gonzales rappel in Mexico in spring 2023. (Photos courtesy of Kyleen Gonzales) This is Kyleen Gonzales’ story: Our late daughter Kaylyn Gonzales was diagnosed with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) when she was 17. She had quit soccer, and then…

30 Days of PH: My Daughter Is My Hero

Becky Weiss, left, stands with her daughter, Emily. (Photo courtesy of Becky Weiss) Day 29 of 30 This is Becky Weiss‘ story: When my daughter Emily decided to attend college in Texas, I was hesitant to let her go. We were living in Georgia and the…