
Finding balance between work and other aspects of life with PH

Living with a rare disease like pulmonary hypertension (PH) presents unique challenges. Balancing work, your personal life, and your health can feel overwhelming for both patients and their caregivers. If you find yourself struggling to balance work and life with a rare disease, please know that you’re…

How medical devices have influenced my clothing style

Since May, I’d been faced with a challenge familiar to many women: finding the perfect dress for a wedding. Two close friends of mine were married last weekend, and I had the honor of attending the wedding and reciting original poetry during the ceremony. After my heart-lung transplant in…

Celebrating today’s victories to honor my younger self

When I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension (PH) in 1999, doctors prepared my parents for the reality I was facing. Just two weeks before my fourth birthday, they were told such words as “progressive” and “terminal.” The doctors set the trajectory of my PH journey before us,…

Fun but simple date-night ideas for those of us with PH

Are you or your partner managing pulmonary hypertension (PH)? Does it make going out on traditional dates difficult? If so, don’t worry; I’ve got you covered. Date nights are essential to any relationship, but they can be challenging with PH and limited energy. That doesn’t mean we have…