
Online Resources for Pulmonary Hypertension Patients

When you are first diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, it can be difficult to find resources for online support. It can be hard to know where to look for support, or where to even begin. As someone who has benefited from the online pulmonary hypertension support community, I wanted to…

So, What Might Make Having PH Worth It?

I have really struggled coming to terms with my diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension. The first year was especially difficult. I felt frustrated that I had a lung disease when I had never smoked in my life and did everything “right” growing up. It didn’t seem fair. I felt…

Life With PH: The Tragically Hip and The Chronically Ill

Staring Down the Barrel On March 24, 2016 the Canadian band called The Tragically Hip announced that their lead singer, Gord Downie had been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Shortly after, The Tragically Hip announced that they would be going on a summer tour. Although I…

Saying No, for Now, to Being a Parent with PH

I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension on the cusp of my adult life gaining its sea legs. After working a lot of crummy jobs while a university student, I had landed my first adult job with good pay and even better benefits. This was no small feat, because I went to…

Pulmonary Hypertension and ‘The Spoon Theory’

Do you know what the Spoon Theory is? Have any of your friends called themselves a Spoonie? I didn’t know what the Spoon Theory was until a few months after I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. I found out that I was Spoonie after reading more about the theory. If…

Who Should Raise Awareness for Pulmonary Hypertension?

In pulmonary hypertension expert and blogger Serena Lawrence’s first post for Pulmonary Hypertension News, she introduces herself and begins to explore the themes of her new blog column, “Life With PH.” Every pulmonary hypertension patient’s story is unique, but Serena’s column seeks to share stories and perspectives that unite the PH…