
Six Tips for Getting a Better Night’s Sleep

  Sleep is one of our body’s most vital functions. Living with pulmonary hypertension makes sleep that much more important, and sometimes more difficult. I always have struggled with insomnia, and it only became worse after being diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. I’ve had many nights tossing, turning and…

20 Inspirational Quotes to Help Fuel You

Have you ever heard any quotes that helped shift your perspective for the rest of the day? Those type of quotes can help fuel our soul and spirit to get through the most challenging of days. Living with pulmonary hypertension can often feel like a roller coaster, full…

Seven Life Hacks for Living with Pulmonary Hypertension

Living with pulmonary hypertension can require some adjustments in your routines. Once I was diagnosed, it became clear that my daily routine would have to be adjusted. Suddenly little things I never thought twice about became a challenge, and even an obstacle sometimes. But there are shortcuts, or…

Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month

Did you know that November is Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month? Throughout November, PH Associations, patients, friends, family members and doctors will try to spread the word about pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month is celebrated with the intention of raising  funds and awareness about this disease. Advocacy efforts aim to educate more people…

Is Laughter the Very Best Medicine?

After being diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension I began to look high and low for things to incorporate into my lifestyle that potentially could help with my overall wellness. I began to look at myself as a holistic being, instead of someone with an illness. How was I overall,…

‘In Repair’ and 100 Stairs

Yesterday I went all the way to Toronto. It was my second time going there for something non-medical-related since being diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. I remember wondering if I would ever be able to go back to do something ‘normal,’ or to do something…

Meditation 101: A Guide for Beginners

My column last week, Meditation to Manage Stress, discussed why I started to practice meditation and mindfulness after being diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. A naturopath recommended it after my diagnosis and, although hesitant at first, I researched the benefits and decided to try it out. Practicing meditation was very…

Meditation to Help Manage Stress

After being diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, I turned to alternative health practices to complement my pulmonary hypertension treatments, (affectionately known by friends and family as boner pills). Sorry if that offends anyone, but I had a good laugh after my heart cath, when a doctor came over with the…