
Canada Expands Public Health Coverage for PAH Therapy Uptravi

Five Canadian provinces, Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Newfoundland and Labrador, have approved public health insurance coverage for Uptravi (selexipag), a pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) therapy developed by Actelion. Quebec was the first province to approve public funding for Uptravi in Canada, in March 2018. The…

Protein That Works to Regulate Blood Vessel Contraction May Lead to Better Hypertension Therapies, Study Suggests

A molecular mechanism involving the tight balance between two proteins — Gal-1 and CaV1.2 — was found to regulate the behavior of blood vessel cells, directly contributing to hypertension. This finding provides new insights into the underlying processes that trigger arterial contraction and hypertension, and its researchers suggest that a…