• ronald cole

    June 27, 2019 at 11:07 am

    I certainly understand the good PH day and the other days ( bad) Ph day. We all plow through all days, but it feels so go on good days to be able to think straight and get some things done. I think, for me, a good ph day is after I have gone into rem sleep, and had a great previous night. When I have tried the PH, along with sleep deprivation, make for terrible exhausting days. This Disease is insidious, we all plan to get things done, then we wake up, and it is exhausting to even think about things, rather than doing anything. I am just writing here because I have not written lately. I am so happy that my Pal Britanny is ok, would like to get a real-time update on here and as I am going through some tough times here, it is so good to hear from or read about people I can identify with. Be well to everyone here who I genuinely care about.
    Ron Cole USMC

    • Colleen

      June 27, 2019 at 11:19 am

      It is good to hear from you Ron but I’m sorry to hear that you having a hard time. I understand how frustrating it is, PH drains your energy and makes you feel so tired and yet getting a good nights sleep is difficult. When you are having a good day what do you like to do? Do you have any plans for the 4th of July? Brittany is doing well and I know she will update you as soon as she reads your post.

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