World PH Day 2020
Today was, May 5th, was World PH Day. Due to social distancing requirements you probably didn’t participate in any big projects for this day, but did you make use of social media? I re-posted a picture of my son from 8 years ago. His cheeks were flushed from vasidilators and he was wearing his Flolan backpack.
My post read, “Today is World Pulmonary Hypertension Day. My son is one of the many faces of PH. It’s a disease that wears a mask. To look at Cullen you might focus on his rosy cheeks, but that healthy looking glow is actually a PH flush. How he looks and how he feels are often two very different things. Doctors are taught: “When you hear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras.” Pulmonary hypertension is a medical zebra. Just as a zebra sounds like a horse, PH often looks like something more common. Many PH patients are misdiagnosed with COPD, asthma, sleep apnea or other common ailments. On average, it takes a PH patient three years to be accurately diagnosed and by then a lot of damage has already been done. If you could simply help spread awareness that would be a huge step in fighting this disease.”
Then I shared links for more information about PH.
Here is the World PH Day link to give you ideas…the day isn’t over yet.
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