
Why I Am a ‘Million Dollar Baby’

“Good morning, Mrs. Cueva,” said the young lady on the phone. During our call, she informed me of a change in my medication coverage that would take effect in the following weeks. “Your copay will now be $830 per month instead of the usual $200,” she said. I’m not sure…

My Son’s Transplant Fundraiser Helped to Build a Community

Two positives came out of my son’s pulmonary hypertension (PH) diagnosis: It strengthened my belief in the power of prayer and rekindled my faith in people. My family has personally witnessed the kindness and generosity of both family and friends and complete strangers. People wanted to know how they could…

Survivor’s Guilt Is Inevitable in Life with PH

Survivor’s guilt is something that I’ve struggled with over the past 14 years. Living with the rare and life-threatening disease that is PH, I continuously lose people I care for. Lately, it seems that every time I look at my social media, at least two or three PH patients have…

Chronic Illness Makes My World Smaller

Christie and I were walking through the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood in San Francisco when I heard someone call my name. Dhaya Lakshminarayanan waved me over.  I first met Dhaya at a Moth StorySLAM where I told the story of getting the call…

Here Are My Tips for Managing Your Summer Road Trip

Summer is here, and perhaps a road trip is in your plans for the season. I’ve always looked forward to this time of year. However, living with pulmonary hypertension (PH), summer can take a toll on my body. Dealing with the unpredictable ”variety pack” of PH symptoms, it…