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Besides COVID-19, What Is Something That You Tend To Focus On?
Posted by jen-cueva on April 1, 2020 at 3:42 pmWe are all overwhelmed quickly just by turning on our TVs and or hopping into social media sites. We are all aware of and worry about this virus. But, if we try to time out and think of our “usual” routines, what else are you typically focused on? Living with PH we still need a sense of control.
For me, this means my family, which I still focus on and speak to via phone and Facetime chats. But, I am also usually focused on arranging my appointments so that they fit within my schedule. I also would be going out for groceries. But besides that, I am focusing on connections with everyone that I can. I focus on being a better ME than I was yesterday. I also focus on making a menu for the week. This helps me to know that my hubby and I are eating mostly healthy meals. I like to use the 80/20 rule, right? I also focus on the chores and things that I can do in my home, like laundry, most days. These things have not changed. I can still focus on most of these.
So, what about you? What do you usually focus on and continue to focus on despite COVID-19?
Brittany Foster replied 4 years, 11 months ago 5 Members · 23 Replies -
23 Replies
Hi Jen,
I definitely like to set goals for myself that are reachable and do-able. Setting goals and meeting them helps me feel more confident in myself and my abilities. I usually set intentions or goals for the week or even daily. Something that I have set for myself is to read a little each night before bed. It has been helping me get better sleep. I think we are both reading the same book “Eleanor Oliphant Is Fine” . I actually heard that it is supposed to be a movie. I think Reese Witherspoon is involved somehow. I wonder who they would get to play Eleanor? I think Shailene Woodley would be a great choice ! Or Kristen Stewart. What are your thoughts on who should play her character if it were a movie?
I’ve been focusing on my rehab after having open heart surgery. Also, our church has been live streaming daily mass. Since I can’t be there in person it helps to read the liturgy and see our dear pastor celebrate mass. God bless everyone and keep you healthy and safe.
Blessings, Janet -
Hey @brittany-foster, I also like to set small goals that I work towards each week. I have a whiteboard in my office area. Doing yoga 2-3 times per week is one and sunshine and getting outdoors, lol.
I also had one to wash my sheets, which often takes a lot for me, but I did it on Monday!
Yes, we are reading the same book, Kristen Stewart would play Eleanor, well. I did read that it was going to be a movie. Reese’s book suggestions are pretty good.
Hi @jbarry28, does your therapist come to your home for rehab? How long ago did you have your open-heart surgery? I hope that rehab and recovery are going well.
I also watch my church services online each week. It is helpful as I often cannot make services, anyway. I am happy that we at least have these types of live streaming services to help us through this pandemic.I’m sending you hugs and prayers from Texas.
@jbarry28 that is a great idea to watch mass on the live stream. I know many churches that do this on a regular basis. I think it’s great to have service like this even with COVID19 is not around. I think more places are getting used to being “high tech” and having that option, especially for those of us that may be in and out of the hospital can be so helpful!
@jenc I think that is going to be one of my new long term goals. To read all (or most of) the suggested books on Reese’s booklist. I also like Oprah’s book list. Reese’s book club is something that I have followed on Instagram! You should follow her there and let me know what ones you read. We should start our own PH book club on the forums! Maybe we can suggest making it a new forum topic if people are interested in doing it with us? Would you be into doing that?
Hi all!
This is a good topic for us – how to get away from this nightmare. To be honest, it’s hard for me personally to do this, because two weeks at work were just about it. We abandoned all our work and did only everything that concerns the virus (ordered disinfection products, drew up documents to enable remote work of employees, made reports for the authorities). It was a lot of psychological pressure and made me nervous.
Now we have been given a few days off, but at home they also scare me with a virus and don’t even allow me to go outside (I have to walk on the balcony, as if I am a grandmother!). So I have to distract myself with the help of improvised means. I draw a bright multicolored “picture by numbers” that I bought just before the panic.
I read books, but not the ones I usually read (I usually like something like “the O’brien Family, “”Flowers for Algernon,” and so on, but now I read more something easier… and stupid, lol) (“PH book club” is a nice idea, if only I could read faster).
I also bake an AWFUL LOT. I should be tied to a chair, or the kitchen should be locked. When I’m upset or stressed, I start experimenting with baking, and my cardiologist wouldn’t approve. Of course, I try to make as healthy pies and cookies as possible, and I don’t eat that much, we even have to treat the neighbors sometimes, but it still feels like a “pie obsession”.
And South Korean TV series help me very well! They are short (16-20 episodes) and funny, there are cute actors. Series about life, but not too dramatic and not boring. I love drama series, but now I also prefer to postpone it for another time. Although, sometimes good old English detectives with a nice rural setting also go into use. -
Hi, Jen. I had my surgery Feb 26. I was in a rehab facility for two long weeks. Couldn’t wait to be discharged. My cardiac surgeon was very reasonable and allowed me to come home. My family doctor arranged for home health care and physical therapy. Good friends have been doing my shopping taking me to doctor appointments and doing laundry. I’m now able to do more and the cardiac surgeon gave me the okay to drive though I don’t know when I’ll have the courage to try. The surgeon scheduled my final follow-up for April 30th. Today is my last physical therapy appointment. I pray everyone makes it through this challenging time and that some semblance of normal returns sooner rather than later.
God bless all.
Hi @jbarry28, I am sure that cardiac rehab was tough, especially just after bypass surgery. It sounds like you have some amazing support, which is helpful for sure. I am sure that you will get back to driving when you are ready. Take your time.
Hurray for you for making it through the cardiac rehab! Thanks for the prayers, we all certainly need them. Sending you hugs and prayers as well from Texas.
@brittany-foster, I just ordered a book for our BNS team book club. I will see if I manage to keep up, LOL.
Book clubs would be excellent; let’s see if anyone is interested. I will make a post. Great idea!
@valeriekv even though you are going through a lot mentally and physically, it sure seems like you do a good job with having positive distractions and coping mechanisms ! I have heard of the color by numbers for adults and feel like that would be something that is so relaxing ! Have you heard of the “paint by numbers” that is putting jewels and gems over the number? I have seen completed ones and they really come out pretty cool. It is called “diamond painting kits” you should look those up! Might be something new to try. Thankfully you were able to get yours before all of this started. I feel like a lot of crafts are sold out because people need that stress relief. I can see why they do! I will have to talk with Jen and Colleen about the book club idea for the forums ! We can even pace it out. I am usually a fast reader, but have been taking my time with the book I’m reading now and just reading a little bit at night before I go to bed.
@jbarry28 thank you for the much needed encouragement! Wow, I am glad that you are almost done with your therapy. I think it’s great that there are so many that are willing to help during this time. When I find myself getting discouraged or frustrated with those that aren’t practicing what they should be, I make sure to stop myself and shift my focus more to those like the ones who are helping you do everything you can to stay healthy and well. There are good people in this world 🙂
Hey @valeriekv, I am sorry to hear that you are struggling mentally and physically. You are not alone.
It sounds like reading, painting, and baking are your coping mechanisms. I love to bake and eat, and I am surprised that I have not started that yet. I need to add stuff to make brownies to my shopping list for my husband. I have been craving them since I saw a pic on social media in the last few days. Hehe
Do you see things on tv or social media that make you want to bake certain pies? What is your favorite pie?
Where do some of the answers go? I’m sure something has disappeared here.
I’m from Russia, I think I wrote this somewhere here before. I work in an educational institution (this is not a school. I don’t know what to call it… this is a place for children’s extracurricular activities). A lot of children go to this place (as you can see, advice like “stay away from crowded places” doesn’t work for me), so our institution also strictly follows all the rules of disinfection. I work with documents, which is why I was so overloaded with work and preoccupied with the panicked topic of the virus.
I sometimes manage to read several books at the same time, but the progress is slow. I read a book of the genre that suits my mood.
Usually I like to bake some simple cookies or pie, where there is a lot of filling from cottage cheese or fruit. I try to make it more useful by replacing wheat flour with buckwheat, rice, or corn. I make a thin dough and put a lot of filling. I absolutely should not watch the Food Network channel, because after watching it, I start cooking even more, lol. I have developed allergies to many foods, so I get out of the situation as best I can.
I don’t think I’m good at dealing with stress, I just start messing around and throwing all the smart thoughts away. Despite the fact that the life of each of us is full of some difficulties, I can not imagine how many difficulties you are going through and how you cope with it. I don’t have a hundredth part of your spirit!
Yes, I have heard about “diamond mosaics” (as it is called in our country), but for some reason I think that it will be difficult for me. “Picture by numbers” takes away my vision and posture, lol. You’re right, people probably bought a lot of these things to relieve stress. Now online stores even offer delivery, which can be described as “on the porch of the house, the courier from a distance throws your order at you and runs away”.
If I was closer to sports, maybe I would use some sports distractions (such as yoga). In my house, there is a sports simulator called “stepper” (two large pedals that simulate walking, and two sticks for convenience). Maybe some of you have one or something similar. I joke that if you open the window and use this simulator, you can imagine that you are walking on the street. For those of us who can’t go outside (or temporarily under house arrest due to the threat of a virus) this may be some kind of movement and distraction from unnecessary thoughts.
I hope I didn’t make too many mistakes. Poor knowledge of the language can not stop me from communicating on this wonderful forum. -
@valeriekv we really appreciate you on the forums ! I think that you have great English language skills! Thank you for always sharing in the forums. It is so helpful to hear from you and others here and to learn more from everyone each day. It is inspiring to hear of other’s stories.
I can see how the pain by number piece might mess with posture and eyesight. After staring at something for awhile or concentrating too hard (even with reading) it gets to me and I get blurry vision after.
The stepper is a great exercise. I have seen this before. It would really be a good idea to do the stepper to some type of real life simulator. Maybe they have simulators of walking in the woods etc for those that can’t get out of the house much. During the week I try to spend as much time outdoors as I can and this really seems to help with my mood. It hasn’t been too nice here where I live so I am hoping that this week is better for weather!
Hi @valeriekv, I can only imagine just how busy you are at work. It sounds busy. Here is the US, schools are closed due to the virus.
I love watching the Food Network, too. It makes me hungry. Have you ever watched The Worst Cooks In America? Some of those people, I cannot believe, they have no clue! I have ingredients now to make brownies so that I may bake those later this afternoon. Your pies and cookies sound good. Plus, baking is a great way to destress. Reading is also a great way to get away from the chaos.
I do yoga at home if you have YouTube, you can easily find some to do at home. I like the stepper that you mention. Your joke is a great idea when you cannot get outdoors, open the door and think that you are taking a walk up some hills- Hehe- That is a great way to exercise some.
Your English is just excellent. You do a great job of sharing your thoughts. We are here to support you and happy that you joined us.
Brittany, Jen,
thank you for your kind words, but the “online translator” helps me a lot, lol. I struggle with it and try to remember school English lessons.
Jen, I was very busy at work, it’s true. Now all schools and our institution have switched to distance learning. The last seven days in Russia were weekends. I could sit at home and not worry about getting infected with something. I spent a lot of time experimenting with baking. I have a real obsession with sweets, so I often stick to the TV screen when they show “Cake Wars” and so on. Your family will probably be insanely happy today that they will get cakes!
you’re absolutely right, walking in the fresh air is very good for your mood. The problem is that I also can’t walk and go to the store yet because of the threat of the virus (so I have to fantasize using a stepper and a window pane, lol). My mother suggested that we get in the car and drive to the forest, where we could walk without people. But because of the fire danger in the forest is not allowed yet, and this is sad. Fortunately, I live in a small city, and I can see enough beautiful nature from my window. I think you are more fortunate in this respect? Probably, your incredibly cute dog every day becomes a reason to go out of the house and breathe fresh air. This is a very big plus for dogs! -
@valeriekv, it looks like the online translator helps you communicate your thoughts. That and your English lessons, Hehe.
I did not make my brownies yesterday, as I did not feel my best. I plan to bake them today. The cooking competition shows are always a good time.
Getting out and soaking in the beauty of nature and fresh air is always a plus. I hate to hear that you cannot do your drive to the forest. I stay sane by drives to the water or the country. It is nice that you have some beautiful nature outside your window. Those are the little things that mean the most.
Ms Barry ecstatic that your surgery went well, happy to hear that all of us are surviving, planning and looking towards the future. This virus hopefully will be a new positive start for most of us, I found myself worrying about things, I cannot control, burning good brain cells trying to stay ahead of destiny.
I managed to get a huge beef brisket to rub down and smoke for sharing with my grown kids and their families. Picked up a used chest freezer, to stock pile some frozen vegetables and meat. I forgot that the “hoarders” has bought all the ground beef , chicken, fish, food that they could never eat 59-100 lbs of. Had a good laugh when a guy and his wife tried to buy 30 gallons of milk and was stopped by the store manager and customers. Our ugliness and selfishness, really shows in times of trouble.
I have caught up on some tv shows from
The past such as “green acres”, “petty-coat junction”, “dukes of hazard”, really hoping that “on demand” keeps working. Read books that I have tried to finish for months. Hugging my grand via FaceTime. Another week and I start fixing low or no sugar deserts. Prayer and the Bible have been the Glue that is making this isolation bearable. I thought that I had all the required medical essentials, found all my digital thermometers batteries are weak or dead, woke with a fever and no way to measure it.Wishing everyone a blessed day, remember to wear your mask, thou it isn’t the M95, but will capture pollen. Fells great to look like everyone else, when going out
Wow @jimi, it sounds like you have been keeping busy, which is good to hear. I sure wish that I was closer, smoked brisket here in Texas looks good. I was thinking of trying to order one for Easter if we do not get a ham.
Oh, like you, my hubby has been shopping and says when did everyone start eating so many frozen vegetables. When this first started, I mentioned maybe that we should but a small deep freeze, he said no. He, like you,
says people are hoarding food that will take them months on end to eat. You are so right; the true colors come out during times like now.I have been reading more, too. I try to limit TV, besides a few Netflix here and there. Usually, we watch a movie on the weekends. Hugging via Facetime is all that I can do, too. It is, though, I am sure with the little ones, even tougher.
I am sorry to hear that you work with a fever. I hope that resolves. Please monitor yourself as much as possible and keep us posted.
Thanks for keeping the humor, as always. So true, wearing the mask, we will be part of the “in crowd,” it seems. Take care, Jimi.
That sounds like a good idea to take a walk in the forest and woods. With the nicer weather approaching where I live it is more crowded with people walking outside. I really hope that everyone realizes that they still need to social distance even when the nicer weather comes. I think that people tend to forget about the importance of it when it is nice outside and more people are wanting to be out. Staying inside really is going to be a challenge in the summer time. I hope you are still able to get some fresh air, I know it is much needed right now to boost everyone’s mood.
@jimi one of the best things that I can do for myself every day, especially more so recently is to stay busy. I am thankful that I have a job that allows me to work online and one that allows me to connect and interact with so many people like you virtually. It keeps my mind going as well! I think that is so important and to remind ourselves not to lose sight of the things we love doing right now. I am glad that you are finding a way to do the things that bring you joy.
@jenc I try to limit the screen time too. When I watched a lot of TV when I was recovering from a few surgeries, I find that it can really disturb my sleep ! I will start that as a new forum topic because I am sure I am not the only one that has gone through some sleep troubles. It can be caused by so much even something as simple as watching TV or staring too much at the phone screen before bed. Reading before bed recently has really helped me relax my mind and also makes my eyes tired
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