• Posted by jen-cueva on May 13, 2019 at 10:57 am

    As most of you know, our Moderator, @brittany-foster is having her surgery today ! She’s a huge inspiration for myself and I’m sure so many of you in the forums. I just wanted to be sure that we all offer her support, positive vibes and/or prayers as she’s goes through surgery and recovery. She’s such a young , strong and beautiful young lady and I’ve learned so much from her. We all know it’s already tough to go through surgery , but with PH, heart disease and others, it’s even more complicated and stressful. I can’t even begin the think of the emotions she’s been dealing with !

    @colleensteele, I wasn’t sure where to post this , so you can move into another section, if need be .

    Thanks and hope y’all are having a great start to a new week! I’m just excited to see sunshine after all of our storms and rain.

    ronald cole replied 5 years, 9 months ago 10 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Colleen

    May 13, 2019 at 2:17 pm

    Thank you Jen! Brittany has been on my mind all weekend and especially today. I’ve only worked with her for a week now here on the forums and already she has impressed me a great deal! Her words are always informative and inspirational! May we all keep her in our thoughts and prayers and send her our best wishes during her recovery! We look forward to hearing an update @brittany-foster when you feel up to it!

  • Robin Taylor

    May 14, 2019 at 10:46 am

    Yes, I came here special tonight hoping to see an update on Brittany’s surgery. Brittany, you have been on my mind all day and I have said many prayers for you. Sending ❤️ and healing prayers.

  • Randolph Reynolds

    May 14, 2019 at 12:25 pm

    I send prayers and wishes for Brittany’s recovery. I do not know what she is having done to her but I suspect it has to do with PAH. She has been very supportive of me.

  • Vanessa Vaile

    May 14, 2019 at 1:46 pm

    I was away from computer yesterday (and mindful of conserving charge on elderly iPhone battery) on the road to Denver and a long day of PH related appointments National Jewish Health but thinking of Brittany and hoping her surgery had gone well. I always look forward to sharing experiences — challenges and triumphs — with her because she is always so encouraging.

  • Jimi Mcintosh

    May 14, 2019 at 9:18 pm

    Brittany, my family and Inhave had you in our prayers. God is not thru with you, he needs you to get well and continue to guide his flock, as we travel down this road. I feel like you are one of my daughters and I welcome your advise. I know that a Mira Le is coming for all of us

  • ronald cole

    May 15, 2019 at 11:14 am

    Ron Cole another PH Patient, a 78 yr old U.S. Marine. I have had two very large Open Heart Surgeries, along with a new Aortic Heart Valve. They discovered my PH about a year ago and going through the same symptoms we all have, it’s hard. When I first joined this site Brittany was the Moderator and was the first person who welcomed me. She has been an inspiration, even to an old bulldog like myself. She has written and I have followed her and along the way when she was in the Hospital last time, I wrote something each day of her recovery to let her know I was thinking about her. She is a little Brave, tough and kind sweetheart and I have been offering my thoughts and prayers for her, She will come out stronger than ever, we all must support each other through hard times. My strong suggestion is we should all alert this forum when we have serious unusual events so we can support each other through hard times. I say we should start with Brittany and all offer our prayers or just well wishes to each other, this is a hard thing we are doing, we should band together and be one unit of strong involved people so we do feel like wear alone with this malady because we are not. In my case, I live alone and suffer alone and even though I am used to pain, it is so nice to have a fellow PH friend wish me well, we need that, hope I can start to see some of that here in the future. Captain Ron…USMC

  • Carol alexander

    May 15, 2019 at 1:01 pm

    Ron nicely said I have been praying for Brittany and her speedy recovery every day. Have been going through a rough time myself with my 94 year mother and my own health. The stress takes a toll on me chest tightens up and can’t get my breath. You no I was thinking the other day we all belong to a very special club a club nobody wanted to join but here we all are fighting this monster in our way it takes us on twist and turns it is never the same every day is different. I should have been diagnosed 10 years iam 72 I was told everything was alright went for X-rays and told they were fine just getting older and not to worry until flu landed me in er oh well I guess we all have our stories. Just keep fighting and say prays for Brittany

  • Colleen

    May 15, 2019 at 4:54 pm

    I was inspired by all the messages being posted throughout the forums for Brittany and it was expressed that we should make a point of doing this for all our members. There is now a new forum, “Upcoming Procedures”. This is a place to share when you are going to have a procedure done and to keep us updated. It’s also where we can leave our words of encouragement to that person. I think this will be a well received addition to PH News.

  • Dori Herrick

    May 15, 2019 at 5:42 pm

    To reiterate Captain Ron…..@brittany-foster, you have been a blessing to so many. I hope your surgery and recovery go well. It will be beautiful for you to experience life without lugging tanks around.

  • Jay

    May 16, 2019 at 9:50 am

    Hope Britannia is doing well. She is in my thoughts and prayers.

  • ronald cole

    May 16, 2019 at 5:16 pm

    Please keep us posted each day, our Brittany is not going to be out of the woods until she tells us.

    What she is going through is about as bad as it gets.

    God Bless this little girl.

    Ron Cole
    Semper Fi Brittany

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